
英语口语 2019-08-12 18:11:13 161

(1) spring festival time  春节期间

(2)聚餐 get together 聚餐 You get together, so you could say we are having a get-together. 即 reunion, it\'s a reunion dinner.   例如:I\'m going to my uncle\'s to have a reunion dinner.

(3)饿呀! Ah, I\'m starving / starved.  我饿死了。

(4)随便吃! Help yourself! 随便吃! Make yourself at home! 把这当自己家一样。

(5)吃饱了。 I\'m full. 我饱了。  I\'m stuffed. 我撑死了。 My stomach is gonna pop. 肚子要炸了。

(6)出去吃吧! Let\'s eat out! 我们出去吃吧! Let\'s pig out! 让我们尽情的吃吧! My eyes were bigger than my stomach. 菜点太多啦! So you need to take it to-go. 你需要打包. Can I get a doggy / doggie bag? 能给我个打包袋吗? Can you wrap this up or can I get this to go?能帮我打包一下吗?

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