
英语口语 2019-08-12 12:11:40 136

Rule No.1 : Just because you\'ve had sex doesn\'t mean like you are in a relationship or something.
For example: I like you and you like me too. And we\'ve had sex. But it doesn\'t mean like we are in a relationship. It just two people hanging put together.

Rule No.2 : You still need to pay for what you ordered even if it\'s someone\'s birthday.
For example: Let\'s say it\'s my birthday today, and I\'m the birthday boy. So I\'m supposed to pay for everyone\'s food, because it\'s me that invited my friends to come over. But it dosn\'t work that way in the west. So next time, you go to your foreign friend\'s birthday dinner. You bring your gift. You still need to pay. You go Dutch.

Rule No.3 : If you go to a party where there are a lot of foreigners. Don\'t just sit in the corner and play with your little cell phone. It\'s not what parties are for. You gotta mingle with people. You gotta talk to \'em. You gotta make new friends, get to know more people, keep talking, keep walking, keep drinking. That\'s what you do. That\'s what parties are for.

Rule No.4 : If you got a white girlfriend or a foreign boyfriend, for example, don\'t be to clingy. White people, or people in the west, they don\'t like people who are very clingy. For example, you and your girlfriend are in a club, and she\'s dancing on the dancing floor. Maybe she\'s dancing with a guy you don\'t even know. Don\'t look at them. Don\'t stare at her. If she really likes you, she knows what she\'s doing. She\'s not nonna do anything that crosses the line. So you got nothing to worry about. If she doesn\'t like you, whatever you do. it\'s just gonna make everything worse.

Rule No.5 : Don\'t share the bed with your friends. For example, I got nowhere to go tonight, and I am staying at my friend\'s apartment, like really close buddy. I\'m staying at his apartment. But he\'s only got one bed. Even if the bed is huge enough, but we\'re not gonna share the bed. I can sleep on the floor or I can crash on his couch. But never will we share the bed.

Rule No.6: If you see some foreigner you really like, he or she is really cute. Just go up and talk to him/her. They don\'t like people who are shy. You like\'em, you go talk to\'em. That\'s the rule.

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