
英语口语 2019-08-11 00:11:19 64

There are a lot of different reasons to learn a language. You become more employable the better your language skills are, it makes traveling a lot easier, and it opens your mind up to a whole new culture. But there is another reason to learn a language, and that is love.

Perhaps you have your eye on somebody but you just don’t have enough confidence in your language skills to talk to them. Maybe it’s the guy who works in your local supermarket, or the girl who serves you coffee every morning, or perhaps it’s just someone who you see on a bus or on the street. Whatever the circumstances, here are some foolproof ways to start a conversation with somebody you have your eye on, bringing you one step closer to riding off into the sunset with them.



Perhaps one of the hardest parts of getting to know somebody is actually finding a way to talk talk to them.

1. “Sorry, but do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar…”

This is a great excuse to start a conversation with somebody. Just pretend that you recognise them from somewhere and before you know, it you’re in a conversation.

2. “Sorry, I’m a bit lost, do you know where ‘…..’ is?”

Much like the first one on the list, this one is all about lying in order to get your ‘foot in the door’. OK so ‘lying’ sounds a little bad… How about ‘embellishing the truth.‘

3. “Excuse me, where did you get your dress (shirt/blouse etc), it’s really nice and I need to get a present for my sister/brother.”

So this one requires a good deal of confidence. If you see someone you like and need a way to get talking to them, simply approach them and tell them you want to know where they bought an item of their clothing, because you think it will suit a friend or family member. This will also flatter them and open up some dialogue.

4. “Oh wow! It’s you! I loved you in that film where you were fighting robots… Oh, it wasn’t you?”

So these are pretty much all lies, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. It’s getting harder and harder to meet new people in the real world now with social networking sites so you have to be a little creative. If you pretend that the person you are trying to talk to reminds you of a movie star then they will be flattered and it could start a pretty interesting conversation.

Once you have the conversation started it’s really up to you to keep it going. My advice would be to ask a lot of questions about them so that you seem interested, but not so much as to scare them away or seem desperate. It’s a delicate balance.

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