
英语口语 2019-08-11 00:11:08 88




选秀节目Talent show

以声音论英雄的舞台--The Voice(《好声音》

The Voice is a multinational singing competition television franchise.The series started in the Netherlands as The Voice of Holland in 2010. Many other countries have adapted the format and began airing their national versions in 2011 and 2012.

唱歌选秀类节目的鼻祖--American Idol(《美国偶像》

American Idol is a reality television singing competition created by Simon Fuller. It began airing on Fox in June, 2002, and has since become one of the most successful shows in the history of American television. It was the most watched TV series from 2005 to 2011 in the Nielsen ratings(尼尔森收视率), and it is the only program to have been No. 1 for consecutive seasons.

才艺展示类节目的代表--Britain\'s Got Talent(《英国达人秀》

Britain\'s Got Talent is a British television talent show competition which started in June 2007 and originated from the Got Talent series. Anyone of any age with some sort of talent can audition for the show. Acts compete against each other in order to gain the audiences\' support while trying to win the title of "The Winner of Britain\'s Got Talent".


1.Pass me the mic,I’m gonna hit the high note!麦克递给我,我要给您飚一曲高音。

2.I‘ll sing the chorus.我来唱合唱.

3.I don’t remember the lyrics.我不记得歌词了。

4.You’re really good at singing English song,you should go on American idol.你的英文歌唱的太好了,你应该去参加《美国偶像》。

5.The key is too high.这个调子太高了。

6.You know,I want you to be more aggressive.我希望你能更激情些。

7.I hope you could be more dangerous.我希望你能再放开些。

8.I am a scary judge of talent.我看人的眼光很毒。(对某事很苛刻)

9.You are totally an artist material.你真是块搞艺术的料。

10.You know you scored off the charts compared to the others.你知道吗,你的表现超出了大部分人。


1.You do have more strength and energy and I still wanna see from you,but overall you’re killing it.你还有更多的能量和力量可以发掘,但是总体而言,你太棒了!

2.You sing it better than theoriginal.

3.You embody what the show is.

4.Wow,baby,just wow!

5.The thing you really did it special is that you made me forget it’s the song from Alicia Keys ,you made it your own.

最后给大家一组有关音乐的分类:jazz music 爵士乐  pop music 流行乐  country music 乡村音乐rock music 摇滚乐  hiphop 嘻哈音乐  folk music 民族音乐  blues 布鲁斯(蓝调)

中国好声音学老 想学好声音要学哪些声音叫 好声音学员 学老参加中国好声音 好声音全部学员 学好声韵变四声 学老参加中国好声音被淘汰 好声音最厉害学员 好声音第二


