
英语口语 2019-08-09 06:10:51 112

北京时间10月20日上午,美国大选第三场也是最后一场辩论如期上演。这一场又回归到主持人提问,两人回答并自由辩论的模式,话题涉及移民、经济、ISIS、美国债务、最高法院大法官的提名以及两位候选人是否能胜任美国总统。两人本场的大部分交锋都有点似曾相识,有些地方甚至还照搬了之前辩论中的原话,让人颇感无味。最大的亮点大概就是主持人很直白地问特朗普,他是否会接受最终的大选结果。特朗普没有正面回答,只是说:“I will tell you at the time, I will keep you in suspense.”到时候我再告诉你,先跟你卖个关子。不得不让人遐想连篇。



1. Tremendous




“Something happened recently where Justice Ginsburg made some very inappropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people.

“The justices that I am going to appoint will be pro-life. They will have a conservative bent. They will be protecting the second amendment. They are great scholars in all cases and they\'re people of tremendous respect.

“Let me just tell you before we go any further, in Chicago, which has the toughest gun laws in the United States, probably you could say by far, they have more gun violence than any other city. So we have the toughest laws and you have tremendous gun violence.

2. Outsmart

两人聊着聊着移民又扯到俄罗斯和普京的话题上了。希拉里说对美国的网络入侵是俄罗斯人干的,而且是高层在背后策划,目的就是干预美国大选,帮助特朗普当选。特朗普再次表示不认识普京,并且表示,希拉里这么不喜欢普京是因为普京在很多事情上做得都比她聪明。Putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way.

英文的各种前缀、后缀真是扩展词汇量的好帮手,掌握了一定量的核心词汇,以及各种前后缀的构词规律,你的词汇量立马就能翻番。拿这里的这个out来说,作为前缀一般加在动词前面,表示“超越”之意,比如:She outlived her husband.(她比她丈夫活得久。)/We are outnumbered in this competition.(在这场竞争中,我们寡不敌众。)还有去别人家做客时最常用的outstay one’s welcome(在别人家逗留太久而不受欢迎)。

这里的outsmart则是在形容词smart前面加了前缀out变身为动词使用,与其类似的另外一个词是outwit,用机智打败(别人),wit本身是个名词,加了前缀out以后也变成了动词,比如:He always manages to outwit his opponents.

跟前缀out意思相近的另外一个前缀是over,一般加在形容词或者动词前面表示“过度”之意,比如:overuse of antibiotics(抗生素过度使用/滥用)、overconfident people(过度自信的人)等等。


“Clinton: He would rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and civilian intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect us. I find that just absolutely –

Trump: She doesn\'t like Putin because Putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way.

Trump: She has been outsmarted by Putin and all you have to do is look at the Middle East. They’ve taken over. We\'ve spent $6 trillion. They\'ve taken over the Middle East. She has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anybody I\'ve ever seen in any government whatsoever.

3. Debunk


这个debunk是GRE词汇,指“破除传言,揭露真相”,如果在写作时用了这个词,当然在用对的情况下,一定会让书面表达提升一个档次,比如:A number of so-called scientific discoveries mentioned in his article have been debunked by several scientists.跟debunk意思相近的词还有disconfirm、refute等,这两个词都有“否认真实性”的意思,前者是在confirm前面加了表示否定意思的前缀dis来表示否定之意,比如:Later updates on the news story disconfirmed many details of the initial report(该新闻事件的后续报道证明最初报道中的很多细节都是不对的).后者跟debunk的意思更加接近,指“驳倒或否认(观点、谣言等)”,比如:This rumor is impossible to refute(这个谣言根本没法破)。


“Trump: I say the one thing you have over me is experience. But it is bad experience because what you\'ve done has turned out badly. For 30 years you\'ve been in a position to help. And if you say that I used steel or I used something else, I- make it impossible for me to do. I wouldn\'t mind. The problem is, you talk but you don\'t get anything done, Hillary. You don\'t. Just like when you ran the State Department, $6 billion was missing. How do you miss $6 billion? You ran the State department. $6 billion was either stolen, they don\'t know. It’s gone. $6 billion. If you become president, this country is going to be in some mess. Believe me.

Clinton: Well, first of all, what he just said about the State Department is not only untrue, it’s been debunked numerous times. But I think it\'s really an important issue. He raised the 30 years of experience, so let me just talk briefly about that. You know, back in the 1970s, I worked for the children\'s defense fund and I was taking on discrimination against African-American kids in schools. He was getting sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination in his apartment buildings. In the 1980s, I was working to reform the schools in Arkansas. He was borrowing $14 million from his father to start his businesses. In the 1990s, I went to Beijing and I said women\'s rights are human rights. He insulted a former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, and called her an eating machine.
希拉里:首先,他说的国务院那事儿不光不是真的,而且已经被多次证明是谣言。不过,我觉得这的确是个重要的话题。他提起了我30年的经验,那我就简要说一说我的经验。你们知道,在上世纪70年代的时候,我就为儿童保护基金会工作,而且还在学校里为受到歧视的非洲裔儿童奔走抗争。到了80年代,我在为阿肯色州的学校改革奔忙时,他向他的父亲借了1400万美元开始创业。90年代,我去了北京,提出女性权益就是人权。他侮辱了一位前环球小姐Alicia Machado,说她是饭桶。

Trump: Give me a break.

Clinton: And on the day when I was in the situation room monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin laden to justice, he was hosting The Celebrity Apprentice. So I’m happy to compare my 30 years of experience, what I’ve done for this country, trying to help in every way I could, especially kids and families, get ahead and stay ahead, with your thirty years and I\'ll let the American people make that decision.

4. Belittle

说到候选人是否能胜任美国总统这一话题时,两人又因为之前特朗普侮辱女性的事情吵了起来。特朗普说,最近站出来说他曾经冒犯过自己的女性可能都是希拉里团队找来的,她们说的话都是假的。希拉里引用了特朗普好几句贬低女性话来反驳,说贬低女性让他感觉自己很高大。Belittling women makes him bigger.

Belittle在这里就是make someone feel little(贬低某人,使某人觉得自己低微)的意思,类似结构的词还有befool,即make a fool of someone(愚弄/欺骗某人),比如:Don’t try to befool me, I’m not stupid(别想愚弄我,我可不傻).


“Clinton: About another woman, he said “that wouldn\'t be my first choice.” He attacked the woman reporter writing the story, called her disgusting, as he has called a number of women during this campaign. Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. He goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and I don\'t think there is a woman anywhere that doesn\'t know what that feels like.

5. Rigged


Rig指“阴谋诡计”或者“(用不正当方式)操纵或控制”,体育比赛中结果被人为干预操纵的比赛就叫rigged game,而这种操纵比赛的行为就叫game-rigging,或者match-fixing。如果在选举过程中有人为干预和操控的行为,就叫vote-rigging,比如:She accused her opponents of rigging the vote(她指责自己的对手操控选票).


“Wallace: Mr. Trump, I want to ask you about one last question in this topic. You\'ve been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you. Your running mate Governor Pence pledged on Sunday that he and you, his words, will absolutely accept the result of this election. Today your daughter Ivanka said the same thing. I want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you\'ll absolutely accept the result of the election.

Trump: I will look at it at the time. I’m not looking at anything now, I\'ll look at it at the time. What I\'ve seen, what I’ve seen, is so bad. First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pile on is so amazing. "The New York Times" actually wrote an article about it, but they don\'t even care. It is so dishonest, and they have poisoned the minds of the voters. But unfortunately for them, I think the voters are seeing through it.

Wallace: But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact, one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hard fought a campaign is that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying you\'re necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you\'re not prepared now to commit to that principle?

Trump: What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I\'ll keep you in suspense, okay?

6. Entitlements


在希拉里发言的时候,特朗普插播了一句“Such a nasty woman.”而在两人此前有关尊重女性的辩论环节,特朗普刚刚说过:“Nobody has more respect for women than I do.”这样自己打脸的举动,想不被人拿出来做文章都不行了。更好笑的是,因为特朗普的这一句话,Janet Jackson早前的一首歌《Nasty》突然登上热搜榜,甚至有好事的网友用这首歌配上特朗普在多个场合说“nasty”这个词的视频。今年这大选,都快成K歌比赛了。


“Wallace: The one last area I want to get into with you in the debate is the fact that the biggest driver of our debt is entitlements, which is 60% of all federal spending. Now the committee for a Responsible Federal Budget has looked at both of your plans and they say neither of you has a serious plan that is going to solve the fact that Medicare is going to run out of money in the 2020s, Social Security is going to run out of money in the 2030s, and at that time, recipients are going to take huge cuts in their benefits. In fact, the final question I want to ask you in this regard is -- and let me start with you, Mr. Trump. Would President Trump make a deal to save Medicare and Social Security that included both tax increases and benefit cuts, in effect a grand bargain on entitlements?

Trump: I\'m cutting taxes. We\'re going to grow the economy. It\'s going to grow in a record rate.

Wallace: That\'s not going to help with entitlements.


Clinton: Well, Chris, I am record as saying we need to put more money into Social Security Trust fund. That\'s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. My Social Security payroll contribution will go up as will Donald\'s assuming he can\'t figure out how to get out of it, but what we want to do is –

Trump: Such a nasty woman.

7. Closing statement




“Clinton: Well I would like to say to everyone watching tonight that I\'m reaching out to all Americans, Democrats, Republicans and independents, because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be, to grow the economy, to make it fairer, to make it work for everyone. We need your talents, your skills, your commitment, your energy, your ambition. You know, I\'ve been privileged to see the presidency up close, and I know the awesome responsibility of protecting our country and the incredible opportunity of working to try to make life better for all of you. I have made the cause of children and families really my life\'s work. That\'s what my mission will be in the presidency. I will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations. I will do everything that I can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. I hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president.

Trump: She\'s raising the money from the people she wants to control. Doesn\'t work that way. But when I started this campaign, I started it very strongly. It\'s called Make America Great Again. We\'re going to make America great. We have a depleted military. It has to be helped. It has to be fixed. We have the greatest people on Earth in our military. We don\'t take care of our veterans. We take care of illegal immigrants, people that come into our country illegally better than we take care of our vets. That can’t happen. Our policemen and women are disrespected. We need law and order, but we need justice too. Our inner cities are a disaster. You get shot walking to the store. They have no education. They have no jobs. I will do more for African-Americans and Latinos that she can do for ten lifetimes. All she\'s done is talk to the African-Americans and to the Latinos, but they get the vote and then they come back, they say ‘we’ll see you in four years.’ We are going to make America strong again and we are going to make America great again and it has to start now. We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama, and that\'s what you get when you get her.


美国大选辩论第三场 美国大选辩论第二场 美国大选辩论第一场 美国大选辩论视频 美国大选共和党辩论 哪里可以看美国总统辩论 美国辩论 2012年美国大选辩论 20


