(1)归纳法即教师向学生逐步渗透具体的语言现象,然后让学生观察、分析并找出规律,总结出语法规则,这样能使学生容易接受语法。例如,在学习情态动词结构“should have done”时,教师可呈现例句:The driver’ s carelessness cost many passengers’ lives.接着启发学生:Do you think the driver should have been careful? 学生会立刻理解句中“should have been careful”的含义。
(2)① 语法教学本身并非目的,而是为了学生掌握和运用语言服务的。因此,不要把随堂语法课上成“满堂灌”,不要做过多的讲解,给学生造成语法“繁、难、杂”的印象。学习语法的最好方法是在“用”中学。大量的综合语言运用的实践活动才能帮助学生准确地理解和掌握英语语法知识体系。
② 语法难易度也是英语阅读与阅读教学不可忽视的问题。语法既是英语语言功能的存在,又是元语言功能的存在。教学中教师要根据学生学习的基础和经验分析语法项目的可学性,由浅入深,由易至难,由简单到复杂,循序渐进,控制英语语法教学中的难度,让学生在示例中理解和感知语法规则,在句子和语篇中操练语法规则,在不同的语言活动中提炼语法意识。
Teaching type: Writing class
Teaching content: This lesson is from senior high school, and the topic of the writing is “We can learn all we need on the Internet”. Students should write a paragraph giving the opposite view.
Teaching Objectives:
(1) Knowledge objectives
① Students can master the basic structure of an argumentation.
② Students can get more points and supporting details of opposite view about “We can learn all we need on the Internet”.
(2) Ability objectives:
① Students can develop their writing strategies such as outlining, drafting and giving supports.
② Students can express their own opinions about the Internet’s effects on teaching and learning.
(3) Emotional objectives:
① Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and fond of taking part in class activities.
②Students can develop their critical thinking when discussing a topic.
Teaching key and difficult points:
Teaching Key point:
Students can get more points and supporting details of opposite view about “We can learn all we need on the Internet”.
Teaching Difficult point:
Students can express their own opinions about the Internet’s effects on teaching and learning.
Teaching Procedures:
Step1: Pre-writing (8minutes)
1. Provide students with two clips of video about the Internet’s effect and the teacher’s effect on teaching and learning.
2. Provide the short essay and students read them.
3. Students work in groups of 4 to lists their opinions about disagrees when learning is entirely controlled by the Internet.
4. Students share their opinions in class guided by the teacher.
5. The teacher teaches the format of an argumentation like related transitional words.
(Justification: Group discussion can strengthen their cooperative spirit and their imaginative ability can be developed. Moreover students will get the ability to write an email to express their ideas.)
Step2: While-writing (7minutes)
Students need to write their opposite views.
(Justification: Students will cultivate their ability of write an article within certain minutes and their good habits of writing will be formed as well.)
Step3: Post-writing (5minutes)
1. Make self-editing and exchange with desk-mates to do peer-editing.
2. The teacher shows an sample and make a summary.
(Justification: Editing can provide a perfect writing for students, meanwhile the comments will help students learn more from others and improve their writing ability promptly.)
2018下教资高中英语真题 高中英语教资面试题库 2018教师资格语文真题 高中英语学科真题2018 高中英语面试题库 2018下半年教资真题 高中英语面试答辩