
教师资格 2019-07-20 00:15:13 149

初中英语 语音




Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students will know the rule of logical stress in a complete sentence.

Ability aim:

Students will use the logical stress correctly and know how to make use of the sentence stress in different sentences correctly.

Emotional aim:

Students will be more confident in speaking English.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: Students will master the rule of logical stress in sentences in English.

Difficult Point: Students can use the logical stress in sentences in daily life.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Listen to an English song and feel about the tune of the melody. Let students to know that not only songs but also the language has its stress in order to express different emotions.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Work in pairs to read the passage by themselves and ask them to pay more attention to the sentence stress. After practice, ask one pair to perform it and others should tell their opinion whether they agree or not.

2. Listen to the tape of the passage and find out whether the students themselves make any mistakes. Then let students find out the rule of the sentence stress (logical stress ) with the help of the teacher: in a sentence we can stress the important part according to the meaning of the passage. After the students find the rule, the teacher read the passage and let them repeat after it.

Step 3: Practice

1. Ask students to read the passage by themselves again and they should use the correct logical stress while reading.

2. Give students more sentences and ask them read the sentences by themselves using the logical stress.

Step4: Production

Let students work in groups of 4 and make a dialogue about the theme parks, such as the theme, the feature, the activities and so on, and they should use the rule of logical stress learned in the class. After that invite two groups to share their outcomes with the whole class. 2019教师资格证面试时政题 2019教师资格面试结构化题 2018教资初中英语真题 初中英语教资面试词汇真题 初中英语教资面试词汇课教案 初中英语教资面试语音



