
教师资格 2019-07-19 18:14:57 135



Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can master the usage of new phrases: in front of, across from, next to.

Ability aim:

Students can use these words to describe the way to some places and help others to find the way correctly in their life.

Emotional aim:

Through various activities, students can improve their oral ability and cooperative spirit.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: students can understand the meaning of these phrases and use them to describe the way to some places.

Difficult Point: students can apply the knowledge in their daily life and also improve their speaking skills and cooperative spirits through different activities.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Show students some pictures of the famous scenic spots in our city. And ask them two questions: Q1: Where are these famous places?

Q2: Do you know how to give directions to others in English?

Step 2: Presentation

1. Set a situation that our old friend Tommy is visiting our city, and he wants to go some places. Ask students to help him find his way based on the map on the blackboard.

2. Ask students to listen to the tape and answer the following questions. They will be divided into three groups, and each group need to answer one question. In this process, the teacher teaches students new phrases through visual demonstration.

Q1: Where’s the library?

Q2: Where’s the park?

Q3: Where’s the pay phone?

Step 3: Practice

1. Pair work. Ask students work in pairs. One acts as A, and the other acts as B. They need to practice the dialogue, and two pairs will be invited to have a show in the front.

2. Describe the pictures. Students need to describe how to get to the places on the pictures by using these phrases.

Step4: Production

Do a survey: ask students to investigate the location of their partners’ homes and write down the results, some volunteers will be invited to do a report.

Step5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.

Homework: ask students to draw a map about the way from their homes to school and describe it to their parents or friends.

Blackboard design:


1. What teaching methods are used in your class?


In my class, I mainly make use of three teaching methods, that is, communicative approach, task-based language teaching method and situational teaching method.

As for communicative approach, as you heard, this method is used in the whole class. Firstly, I ask students several questions, and invite some of them to answer the questions. This is teacher-student communication. Also, I organize several activities to help students communicate with each other, like role play and survey. These activities help students cultivate the ability of communication and co-operation.

As for task-based language teaching method, in the presentation part, I ask students to listen to the tape and finish related exercises. Students can know new knowledge through this task.

The last one is situational teaching method. Since the content of this lesson is closely related to students’ daily life, I set a real situation to teach the new knowledge. Students are easily attracted to the class.

2. How do you organize students to make a survey?


In my class, I usually organize students to do a survey by the following five steps:

First, I will tell students what the topic is and how much time they will have for this activity.

Next, I will divide them into several groups and ask them to take their time.

During their discussion, I will walk around and listen to their ideas, also I will give them some help if necessary.

When time is up, some volunteers will be invited to do reports at the front.

Last, proper evaluation will be given.

2018初中英语面试真题 初中英语教师证面试真题 初中英语教师资格考试真题 初中教师资格证英语面试题目 初中英语教资面试语法 高中生物教资面试题库 教资初中英语


