
教师资格 2019-07-18 09:38:19 130


小学英语 词汇




1. Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can understand the meanings and pronunciation of the new words including “brown hair, small eyes, big nose, and wide mouth”.

Ability aim:

Students can talk about the body with the new words in daily life.

Emotional aim:

Students can improve their confidence and interests in learning English after class.

2. Key and difficult point:

Key Point:

Students can master the meaning and usage of the new words including “brown hair, small eyes, big nose, and wide mouth”.

Difficult Point:

Students can use the new words about body in daily life.

Students can improve the interest in learning English and cultivate the spirit of cooperation.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings. Ask students whether they can find any difference in the classroom. Tell them there is a flower and ask them to water it every day.

2. Sing a song for students.

One little finger, one little finger, tap tap tap.

Put your finger up.

Put your finger down.

Put it on your head, head!

One little finger, one little finger, tap tap tap

Put your finger up.

Put your finger down

Put it on your nose, nose!

Ask students if they can figure out any body word in this song, and they may say “finger” and “head”. Then tell them today we will learn more words about our body..

Step 2: Presentation

1. Draw the stick figures according to the different body part and describe them simply, and then teacher reads the words in both rising tone and falling tone to the students follow the teacher.

2. Read the passage for the students. Ask students to listen carefully and find what the man looks like. Invite students to answer and draw the picture of the man according to their description.

Step 3: Practice

Do the “touch your body” game. The teacher gives the order and students do as the teacher says, for example, when the teacher says “touch your ears”, the students should touch their own ears.

Step4: Production

Do the “describe and guess” game. Ask students to discuss about their favorite teacher’s look. 5 minutes will be given. Then invite the group leader to describe in front of the class. Teachers asks which teacher is it., and the rest students will guess. Then teacher gives the encouragement and asks students to care and love their teachers.

Step5: Summary and Homework

Summary: Invite one student to be the little teacher to summarize the whole class.

Homework: Ask students to draw the picture about their parents’ looks. Then present and describe their picture next class.

Blackboard design:


1. What do you think the blackboard should present?


First, the blackboard should present the key knowledge of the class. The words about body are the class’s teaching knowledge aim, and the blackboard should present these new words.

Second, the blackboard should present the students’ ideas or practices. The picture of the man is created by the student, and it reflects the students’ thinking in the class.


2. What’s the mainly difficulty in primary school teaching in your view?


In my view, I think the main difficulty in primary school teaching is that pupils are easily distracted by something else, and they only can remember the new knowledge for a short time. So teachers should pay attention to their features, and take positive and active measures for that. We can make use of funny games or activities to help students memorize and consolidate what they have learned timely, and review the knowledge regularly.

小学英语教资面试真题 教资面试真题 小学教资面试真题 蕉岭县教师资格证领取 2019教师资格证小学英语 2019教师资格证小学英语面试 小学英语教师资格证 小学



