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高中 2019-07-18 09:21:53 184





  Topic: Natural Disasters


  Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated in about 300 words.

  Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g. flood, drought, tornado, volc ano eruption, earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, or landslide) that affects the environm ent, and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses. Recently, we can se e many natural disasters occurred home and abroad and huge damage have been m ade either to the environment or to our human lives. Those natural disasters urge us to reconsider our beliefs and actions toward our mother nature when we seek for cl othes, food, and sheltering etc.

  Therefore, what is your attitude toward the natural disasters? What shall we do to prevent us from being simply destroyed? What kind of role did we play in the causes of those dreadful disasters? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoin t, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.


  Topic: Should We Follow Fashions?


  Some people say that fashion is just for selling clothes, so we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel comfortable in it. How far do you agree wit h them? Write an essay on the following topic: should we follow fashions? Require ments:

  Illustrate your view on the topic with no less than 250 words and write down your o pinions and reasons so long as they are reasonable.第十届

  初赛作文题 Directions:

  Recently, Amy Chua, or the “Tiger Mother”, aroused heated discussions both inUS and in China with her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger

  Mother. The following are the ten things she lists in her book that she strictly forbids her two daughters to do:

  Attend a sleepover (a party for children in which they stay the night at someone’s h ouse);

  Have a play date (in which children hang out with their friends); Be in a school play; Complain about not being in a school play; Watch TV or play computer games;

  Choose their own extracurricular activities; Get any grade less than an A;

  Not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama; Play any instrument other than the piano or violin; Not play the piano or violin.

  You are invited to write under either of the following two topics. The length of your writing should not exceed 300 words.

  Suppose you are a “tiger parent”. Write a letter to your child and explain to her/him your ideas about tiger parenting.

  Suppose you are a child who has tiger parents. Write a letter to your parents and explain to them your ideas about tiger parenting.


  Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others;

  regardless of a friend or a stranger. However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places. One of the most common ex amples is that, a passer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be v ery likely to be recognized as the accident-maker. This kind of events is being rerun a gain and again. When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would b e your choice?



  Which one of them do you think is the expert? First complete the conversation. Then write down your opinion on the qualities of being an expert.

  Doctor: Patient: Doctor:

  Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I only have to focus on fixing what wrong with ME! Now which one of us do you think is the exp ert?



  Directions: Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taki ng a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view o n the topic within less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself.


  Telling lies for a better world?

  Lies have a bad reputation. Telling the truth is normally considered to be a good thin g. One conventional view of lying is that it is bad in itself and should be avoided at all costs. Another conventional view is that theconsequences of lying are often bad, so lying should be avoided except in extreme circumstances. In the past two decades, t hough, a number of authors have challenged conventional wisdom, arguing that lyin g is not as bad as normally thought and that a number of other beliefs about lying ar e misunderstood. A wellknown study even shows that an ordinary person tells three lies every ten minutes. So what is your opinion of telling lies? How is your relatio nship with them? What do you do when being lied to? And more importantly, when and how do you choose to lie? Please write your view on the topic within less tha n 300 words. You can add a title by yourself.


  Recently, a book named “THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE” became one of the best-sellers in book stores. It aims to present some powerful lessons in perso nal change to people in contemporary society. Habit 1: Be Proactive

  Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

  Habit 3: Put First Things First

  Habit 4: Think Win-Win

  Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

  Habit 6: Synergize

  Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

  What do you think of the role of effectiveness in your life and study? Have you ever benefited from one of the habits mentioned in the book in your daily life? You are in vited to write a composition in about 300 words concerning the topic above. Your c omposition should be given a title and it should contain your personal experiences. Marks will be graded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.




  Nowadays, there is a tendency for the youth to watch American TV dramas, such as "Prison Break", “The Big Bang Theory”… Some people believe that watching American TV dramas can enhance their language sense. Others think watching American TV dramas has nothing to do with learning. Instead, it's bad for children.

  What's your opinion?

  Please write an article within no less than 300 words to present your opinion on the topic. You can add a title by yourself.

  Audience response/rate

  Youth the young teenager adolescent juvenile students



  Addison said,“Every man should have a purpose in life. A man without a purpose lives on, like a cabbage in a field, but he knows no life.” According to him, having a purpose in life is very important for us. With Addison’s words as your point, write an essay with no less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself.



  Directions: Think carefully about the following issue:

  When we find that someone we admire has done something terribly wrong or behaved unexpectedly, we feel greatly disappointed. But constant discovery leads to our realization that great ideas and great deeds come from imperfect people like ourselves.

  Write an essay on the following question with no less than 300 words, in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your readings, studies, experience, or observations.

  Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect?

  The Revenant

  Angelina Jolie Fleming penicillin justice jury/lawyer bride bribe corruption involved/immersed in scandal put into prison

  Give speech/presentation to warn the young people, avoiding committing crimes



  some people say wealth and fame are the best motivation and reward of one`s achievement. But other people argue that it`s the sense of happiness and fulfillment rather than personal gain that is the best motivation and reward, as expecting a reward of wealth or recognition for achieving a goal can lead to disappointment and frustration. The personal satisfaction of a job well done is its own reward. What`s your opinion? Do you think people are motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather than by money or fame?

  Write an essay with no less than 300 words, in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

  In terms of the successful people, highly fulfillment results from making contributions to the whole society, helping more people in need.

  Money: material satisfaction mental chasing family society

  Fame: exalt get promotion social recognition

  Zuckerberg Dec 1st 2015 99% of Facebook shares (45 billion dollars ) donated to Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 45billion dollars

  The primary aims of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and in America, to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology. Buffett 8 billion dollars

  Filled with innovative ideas, young people are prone to encouraged by their career achievement rather than the income of the occupation. Failure during the process enables the individuals to be more

  independent and persistent. NeXT

  Be prone to =be liable to =tend to=be likely to

  Angelina Jolie Cambodian Vietnam adopt 3 children


  When people form opinions about someone or something, what affects them most is not substance but style. In other words, the way something appears or is presented is more important than what it actually is. This principle affects how people look at their lives, the books they read, the products they buy, and even the subjects they take at school. What's your opinion? Is style more important than substance?

  Chasing after one’s appearance rather than inner beauty exert heavy financial burden on oneself, bring stress to their family members or even impair their health.

  Focusing on style rather than substance enables people to lose themselves and leave their interests and real friends behind. Style:

  Appearance :

  artificial beauty make up cosmetic surgery

  have a slim unhealthy diets chasing after luxury

  figure brands

  Focusing excessively on appearance rather than

  substance enables people to suffer a lot from the negative influence resulting from the choice.

  The further effects coming from the style impedes how to develop interests, who to make friends with and what to study in the future.

  Paragliding scuba diving bungee jumping adventure sports extreme sports aerobic exercise kickboxing

  further influence

  make friends only with wealth betray their interests similar values and virtues personality

  major: design act composing music dream of being celebrities

  Substance: live a healthy life balance their spending meet Voluntary work to be a volunteer within my community

  be beneficial to the society make contributions to the society material satisfaction

  Write an essay with no less than 300 words, in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.


  Friends and relatives often drift apart, sometimes for no justifiable reason. But friendship and close family ties are beneficial in so many ways that make the efforts to preserve those ties worthwhile. Write a composition in no less than 300 words about your relationship with one of your family members or a friend of yours.



  2.比赛期间,参赛选手可多次登录考试系统,每次登陆在线时间最长 4 小时。 3.建议选手先在记事本(.TXT 文件)中编辑作文,注意保存备份,然后拷贝







  6、完成考试后,作文将只能查看,不可修改。 7. 比赛时间:2015 年 12 月 1 日 -12 月 18 日

  8、初赛第一阶段成绩公布时间:2015 年 12 月 29 日

  9、初赛第一阶段入围选手报名时间:2015 年 12 月 29 日--2016 年 1 月 15 日

  第二部分题目 Direction:

  Laziness or lack of ambition is like dead weight on our chests. All it takes is one big p ush and we’re free, but that “big push” is not always easy to muster because the effo rt seems a lot more difficult than it actually is. The situation is similar to trying to get out of bed as soon as we awaken from a long sleep.

  Write an essay with no less than 300 words, in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your r eading, studies, experience, or observations.第三部分第十五届全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准 评分依据具体评分具体划分

  创新能力 30 分 题材创新 体裁创新 内容创新 观点创新 形式创新 视角新颖观点 内容 25 分主旨切题 观点明确 内容详实 语义连贯组织结构 20 分思路清晰 逻辑 性强 英语思维语言表达 20 分语法准确 词汇丰富 地道纯正格式规范 5分

  标点符号规范 大小写规范 书写规范 字数适宜


  该作文题目就我国近年来越来越受重视和各认同的志愿者工作,对考生的观察 能力、思维能力和社会体验能力进行考察。通过该题目的写作,检查考生的语 言逻辑组织能力和语言表达能力。考生可以在所给题目范围内自己命题进行写 作。

  作文评分大致分为四等: 99-90 分:

  1.对作文题目有独到见解,并有很强的创新能力; 2.语言流畅,思路清晰,有 较强的英语写作能力; 3.词汇和语法使用恰当,错误较少。 89-80 分:

  1.对作文题目有合理的理解,并有较强的创新能力; 2.语言比较流畅,思路比 较清晰,有较好的英语写作能力; 3.词汇和语法使用比较恰当,错误较少。 79-70 分:

  1.对作文题目有正确的理解,并有一定的创新能力; 2.语言通顺,英语写作能 力一般; 3.有常见词汇和语法使用错误。 69-60 分:




  aurora glacier internship marine filial pension spending expenditure expense

  fundamental sentimental psychology

  funds funding investments financial subsidies

  spending expenditure expense exit

  income salaries


  trigger/cause skyrocketing house price life spending deceive deception

  have the risk of being deceived embarrassed embarrassment immerse in/involve in embarrassment medical care

  crab shrimp lobster crawfish

  iron coal natural gas petroleum fossil fuel mine

  cure techniques of undergoing a surgery

  amicable unamicable


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