
英语翻译 2019-07-18 09:26:24 164

Section 1: Listening Test
Part A: Spot Dictation
1. different geographical regions 2. reveal underlined similarities
3. quite distinctive 4. universal responses
5. the American experience 6. identified with one particular author
7. a variety of anonymous story-tellers 8. borrow or transform
9. formal literature 10. created informally
11. in face-to-face contact with 12. small but attentive
13. the advent of movies and television 14. Not unexpectedly
15. our nation’s folk traditions 16. their individual differences
17. get a better understanding 18. enormous opportunities
19. clearly defined 20. who actively confronted
Part B: Listening Comprehension
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B
Section 2: Reading Test
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C
Section 3: Translation Test
美国各大媒体已经开始准备全面报道二战诺曼底登陆日(D-Day)纪念活动,此时法国当初对美国伊拉克战争的“故作姿态”又一次遭到质疑。政府官员们暗示,可能,也许只是可能,法国总统会利用这次庆祝法国解放的机会来和美国就这一恩怨做个了断 —— 声明全面认可美国对伊拉克未来建设的计划,并在临近的月底权力交接之后对这一计划加以支持。但看来法国不太可能视D-Day纪念为一个偿清60年之久的债务的机会。除了堂皇的演讲和美味佳肴,不要指望法国会拿出什么别的来把美国从伊拉克解救出来。
Section 4: Listening Test
Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
1. unacceptable 2. Japanese 3. decisiveness 4. distance
5. Latin 6. closely 7. agreements 8. negotiation
9. space 10. ritual 11. qualifications 12. complimenting
13. business 14. pocket 15. unethical 16. briberies
17. illegal 18. criminal 19. jailed 20. regular
Part B: Listening and Translation
I. Sentence Translation
1. Like many other countries, Britain has experienced a great increase in criminal activities, nearly five times as acts of violence were reported to the police in 2003 as 20 years before.
2. Helping the poor should start with their children, because sometimes the poor’s children don’t have good schools to go to, and if they got a better education, then they would be able to help themselves.
3. Today we are going to look at the role of social welfare in 2 European countries, Sweden and Switzerland, both economies can be described as welfare states, or so-called “democratically-controlled socialism”.
4. Since World War II, France has had a system known as the “Guided Market Economy”. This means the state guides and controls economic activity by means of measures such as nationalization of selected industries.
5. Smoking cigarettes is dangerous. It is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Every year, over 400,000 Americans die as the result of smoking, and another 10 million people suffer from smoking-related diseases.
II. Passage Translations
1. Australia is one of the world’s 6 leading tourist destinations. And by the year of 2005, tourism is expected to be the 2nd biggest industry in the country. Between 2000 and 2002, the number of overseas visitors to Australia grew by 50%. In 2003, there were 19.1 million overseas visitors. An estimated 64% of visitors came from Europe and North America, and the rest from Asia and other parts of the world. Business travel accounts for about 1/5 of all overseas tourism revenue. Australia’s tourist attractions include theaters, museums, art galleries, and historic houses, as well as shopping, sports and business facilities.
2. What does it mean to be health? The simplest definition of health is the absence of disease. This definition reflects a medical view of health involving mainly the diagnosis and treatment of illness. This view is limited because it focuses only on physical health and how to go about curing specific physical illnesses. The World Health Organization has a broader view. It talks about the state of complete physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, and spiritual health. This holistic view of health takes into account the whole person. Good health can be described as relationship of harmony with yourself, with others, and with your environment, which allows you to get the most out of life.
Section 5: Reading Test
1. “Get out of jail free” cards” are stolen artistic masterpieces, mostly paintings. Criminals first stole some famous paintings but then found that it was impossible to sell them. They would hide the paintings somewhere, and when they are arrested fro another crime, they would offer the paintings to the police in exchange for a commuted sentence or even a pardon.
2. By one estimate, trade in illicit art in Britain is worth about 1 billion pounds. In order to curb the illicit trade in art, the Metropolitan Police compiled database of stolen works of art. So far the database has already obtained detailed records of 50,000 items and other forces are encouraged to add to the database. The Metropolitan Police also hopes by the end of the year, the public would be able to get access to parts of database and check for stolen items.
3. Thieves stealing artistic masterpieces are always portrayed by Hollywood as graceful high-browed ladies and gentlemen with the support of some mysterious VIP buyers, while the real-life thieves are only common criminals stealing for money. They may be a little more skilled than others, but they even sometimes do not realize the value of the item they stole, and they have difficulty selling it.
4. I believe the author introduces the Wright brothers and the European Airbus at the beginning of the passage for two purposes:
 Wright brothers’ success in the test fly of the first manned aircraft and Airbus’s manufacturing of A 380 are both millstones of aeronautic development. .
 The Wrights brothers are Americans, while Airbus is a French company. Their successes are introduced together so that the theme of the passage would come up naturally.
5. In the long history of technical development, France and America learn and inspire from each other’s achievements. On the whole, America gains a little bit more from the reciprocity.
 The lethal Minie bullets in American Civil War was originally developed by French officers. Ford developed his world-famous Fordism, characterized by assembly line and interchangeable parts, on the technical breakthroughs achieved by French gunsmiths. America’s ideas of nuclear power was developed into practical use by French people. Now France gets 75 percent of its electricity from it.
6. French people are very good at technical innovations and breakthroughs. While they are much overwhelmed by the sense of achievement accompanying them, they often do not pay enough attention to their further exploitation and commercialization. American people learn a lot from French people achievements, they are better at commercializing them and further developing them into practical use or mass production. 
7. The example of the retired bank teller Sabine Wetzel shows that the retired people in Germany do not like the government’s decision to cut their pensions, which is understandable since their pensions in the past always went up.
8. A welfare state is supposed to take care of its citizens from their birth to their death from cradle to grave, but now since people are living longer and unwilling to have children, the number of old people taking money from the welfare system increases a lot, while the number of young people contributing to it declines. The gap between the two threatens the whole social welfare system.
9. In Germany, the state pensions will be cut from 53% of average wages now to 46% by 2020. In Italy, the minimum retirement age will be raised from 57 to 60. In France, a civil servant will have to work for 40 years instead of 37.5 in order to get a full pension.
10. European governments’ efforts to raise minimum retirement ages and reduce public pensions will continue. Future generations of retirees will benefit far less than old people do today, even though old people complain a lot about the benefit cut.
Section 6: Translation Test
I, Shu Sheyu, style myself Lao She/write under the pseudonym of Lao She. I am now 40 years old, having a yellow complexion and wearing no beard. I was born in Beiping. At the age of 3, I lost my father/ when I was 3 years olds, my father died, so I could be said to have no father. When I was 15/ at school/ of school age, the emperor ceased to exist /was dethroned, so I could be said to have no emperor. Without father and emperor, I was especially filial and respectful to my mother. In my childhood, I read the Book of Songs, making no effort to understand the meaning thoroughly /without a deep understanding of the content. Years later, I attended a normal school, where I prepared myself to be a teacher/ where I laid a foundation for my career as a teacher. In the prime of my life, I roved hither and thither/ went from one place to another, earns a living by teaching. That profession offered me little chance of making a fortune/ getting rich, so I took to buying lottery tickets, I prided myself on/ I took pride in winning the smallest prize, resigned to leading a poor and humble life. At 27, I made a determined effort to write books. Having achieved no success/ got nowhere with sciences and philosophy, I turned to creation of fiction merely to amuse my readers. That did not amount to much./ that was not bit achievement. I got married at the age of 34. Now I have a son and a daughter. They are both mischievous /naughty and lovable. I read extensively/ whatever I could get hold of, but got nothing out of whatever I read (it), and I am not worried. I teach and do everything else in real earnest/ conscientiously and I often come to grief, but I do not regret. If I can live another 40 years, I may achieve some success/ get somewhere (in my life).

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