2013年3月高级口译听力真题Listening Comprehension 3 含解析

英语翻译 2019-07-18 09:26:23 335

Listening comprehension 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

W: Governor, I appreciate your taking the time to meet with me.

M: My pleasure.

W: The Employee Monitoring Law has received a great deal of media attention recently. However, many Illinois citizens are still very confused. What exactly does the new law allow?

M: The new law permits employers to listen in on their workers’ phone conversations. The law permits any listening that serves educational, training or research purposes. It allows for both computer and phone monitoring.

W: How does this law come about?

M: Well, it was originally conceived by the telemarketing industry. This industry, which uses the telephone to sell its products in services, needed a way to monitor its employees’ sales performance. The retail industry is also a big proponent of the law. Recently, I spoke with the president of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association. He told me the law is helping to make sure that Mrs. Smith gets the red dress in size 6 rather than size 16, which may have been entered into the computer by mistake.

W: So in other words, the law is meant to monitor the quality of customer service course.

M: Yes, for courtesy, efficiency and overall service.

W: Well then, why all the opposition? I heard that many groups, from unions to trade associations, are clearly furious about this law.

M: Yes, I know. Our office has been flooded with calls and letters. The problem is, the law does not specify whether or not employers must tell employees each time they are being monitored or just issue a one-time blanket warning. Also, only one person must agree to the monitoring, but the law does not state who must agree, the employee or the supervisor. The scope of the law is so broad that some people find it frightening.

W: Yes, it sounds like there are many unanswered questions. I appreciate your speaking with me, Governor. Thank you very much.

M: You’re welcome.

11. Who is being interviewed by the woman journalist?

12. They are talking about a law. What is the law about?

13. By which of the following was the law originally conceived?

14. What purpose is the law meant to serve?

15. Why are so many people opposed oppose to the law?


本篇对话为一位女记者对伊利诺伊州州长的采访,询问关于该州新推出的《员工监控法案》(Employee Monitoring Law),问题涉及该法案适用范围、目的,以及因此引发的反对和质疑,总体难度适中。问题设置比较常规,听懂对话大意就基本能够解决。唯一一道细节题问道该法案最初使用的领域,要求考生听懂“电话营销”(telemarketing industry)一词。不过说话人在提出这一概念后立即用一个例子进行解释,可以帮助考生理解。

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