
英语翻译 2019-08-08 18:12:38 87

The U.S. government has enacted a partial shutdown for the first time in 17 years, as the two branches of Congress failed by the October 1st deadline to agree on a single spending bill.

Three times on Monday, the Republican-led House of Representatives approved a spending bill that would delay President Barack Obama\'s signature health care law. In all three cases, the Democratic-controlled Senate rejected it minutes later.

Shortly before midnight, White House Budget Director Sylvia Burwell issued a directive to federal agencies to "execute plans for an orderly shutdown."  The move means the furlough of an estimated 800,000 federal workers. Agencies affected will include national parks, traffic safety agencies, and the Defense Department -- mainly the furlough of its civilian employees. Homeland Security agents and border security offices will remain open, as well as other law enforcement agencies.

In a statement early Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama said members of the U.S. military will remain on duty and ongoing military operations like those in Afghanistan will continue. He said he plans to sign into law a bill that will ensure members of the military are paid on time.  Mr. Obama also pledged to work to get Congress to reopen the government.


美国政府关闭了吗 美国关闭联邦政府 美国政府关闭的影响 美国政府部分关闭 美国政府关闭几次 美国联邦政府如果关闭的话 美国政府关闭时间 美国关闭 美国联邦政府在


