Retired U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman is in North Korea for his third visit in recent months, but says he will not raise political issues with the country\'s leader, Kim Jong Un.
Rodman\'s visit comes at another tense moment in Pyongyang, just days after the shocking execution of Kim\'s uncle, mentor and second in command, who was accused of trying to overthrow the state.
Speaking to Reuters at a Beijing hotel before departing for the North, Rodman said the execution of Jang Song Thaek had nothing to do with his visit, which he said was purely for "fun."
The five-time National Basketball Association champion is expected to help train North Korea\'s national basketball team during his trip, which is sponsored by the Irish bookmaker Paddy Power.
During past visits, the eccentric Rodman has held extended personal meetings with Mr. Kim, who he has called a "friend for life" and a "good guy." He is thought to be the highest-profile American to have met the North Korean leader.
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