
英语翻译 2019-08-08 06:13:02 96

The Seattle Seahawks trounced the Denver Broncos 43-8 Sunday in the 48th annual American football Super Bowl held in MetLife stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

The Seahawks\' vaunted defense completely dominated Denver\'s equally celebrated offense, led by future Hall of Fame quarterback Peyton Manning.  They forced Denver into four turnovers, including two interceptions by Manning, one of them returned 69 yards for a touchdown by linebacker Malcolm Smith to give the Seahawks a 22-0 lead before halftime.

Percy Harvin virtually sealed Seattle\'s win with an 87-yard kickoff return to start the second half, and quarterback Russell Wilson finished off the Broncos with two-late game touchdown passes to receivers Jermaine Kearse and Doug Baldwin. 

Denver fell behind on the game\'s first possession when a bad snap flew past Manning and into the end zone for a safety, giving Seattle an early 2-0 lead.

The loss marred a history-making regular season for Manning, who earned his fifth career National Football League Most Valuable Player just one day earlier. 

Seattle Linebacker Smith was named the game\'s Most Valuable Player.

下半场,珀西.哈文以87码的开球开局,几乎锁定西雅图的胜利。四分卫拉塞尔·威尔逊在比赛后半段以先后传给杰梅因 - 基尔斯和道格•鲍德温的两记造成触地得分的传球,让野马队最终败北。

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