
英语翻译 2019-08-08 06:12:49 56

Ukraine\'s justice minister has threatened to declare a state of emergency if protesters do not leave the justice ministry in Kyiv, which they seized late Sunday.

In a television appearance Monday, Justice Minister Olena Lukash also warned that she would ask for talks between the opposition and President Viktor Yanukovych to be ended if the building is not returned to the government.

Opposition leaders have said Mr. Yanukovych\'s offer to name protest leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk of the Fatherland Party as prime minister, and former boxing champion and leader of the UDAR party, Vitaly Klitschko, his deputy is not enough to end the demonstrations, which are spreading eastward into parts of Ukraine considered supporters of the president.

Yatsenyuk told a crowd that the opposition is "not afraid" of accepting more political responsibility. But he said Mr. Yanukovych still has to meet several demands. They include early elections, freedom for jailed protesters, and repealing anti-protest laws.

司法部长奥莱娜·卢卡什(Olena Lukash)周一在电视上露面时还警告说,如果这座建筑不被归还政府,她会要求终止反对派和总统维克托·亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)之间的会谈。
反对派领导人说亚努科维奇提名祖国党的抗议领袖亚采纽克(Arseniy Yatsenyuk)出任总理,以及提名前拳击冠军和打击党领袖维塔利·克利奇科作他的副手是不足以结束示威的。示威活动正在向东蔓延进入被视为支持总统的地区。

司法部长 第一任司法部长 中暑是一种威胁生命的紧急状态 司法平台 司法在线 司法标志 中一二进攻战术 中一二进攻只能有 前司法部长


