
英语翻译 2019-08-08 00:13:16 279

A federal judge has found the ban on gay marriage in the southeastern U.S. state of Virginia to be unconstitutional.

U.S. District Court Judge Arenda Wright Allen ruled late Thursday that Virginia\'s ban on same-sex marriage violates the right to due process and equal protection under the law. However, Wright Allen imposed a stay on his decision so no couples can marry before unless his ruling is upheld on appeal.

Currently, 17 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. allow same-sex marriage, while 33 states ban it. Virginia\'s gay marriage dispute is likely to go on to the Supreme Court.

Judge Wright Allen said Virginia\'s marriage laws unconstitutionally deny gay and lesbian citizens the fundamental freedom to choose to marry.

The Virginia decision comes just weeks after judges threw out bans on gay marriage in Oklahoma and in Utah.

In Indiana this week, a judge ruled that a ban on same-sex marriage will not go to a referendum vote in November.

Also this week, a judge in Kentucky ruled that the state must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, although the court did not rule on the the constitutionality of performing same-sex marriages in Kentucky.


美国联邦地区法院法官阿瑞达.莱特.艾伦星期四做出裁决,维吉尼亚州禁止同性恋婚姻违反了美国宪法所保障的“正当法律程序”(due process)和“平等保护”(equal protection)。不过莱特.艾伦法官同时决定暂停执行她的这项裁决,要等到裁决经过上诉后维持原判才允许同性恋结婚。






维吉尼亚 维吉尼亚·海伊 维吉尼亚马德森 维吉尼亚人 维吉尼亚和弗吉尼亚 维吉尼亚是哪个洲 维吉尼亚加密与解密 维吉尼亚·伍尔芙 维吉尼亚州


