
英语翻译 2019-08-07 18:13:03 113

GENEVA — A new United Nations report finds that violence by anti-government groups in eastern Ukraine is causing an "alarming deterioration" of human rights amid a political crisis between Kyiv and pro-Russian separatists.
日内瓦 — 联合国一份新的报告认为,在基辅和亲俄罗斯的分离主义者势力之间发生的一场政治危机中,乌克兰东部的反政府组织实施的暴力行为造成了那里的人权状况的“急剧恶化”。
The 36-page report cites examples of targeted killings, torture and beatings, as well as abductions, intimidation and sexual harassment, largely carried out by what it calls well-armed anti-government groups in eastern Ukraine.

In a statement Friday, Russia\'s Foreign Ministry accused the U.N. of a "complete lack of objectivity," saying the report had "glaring inconsistencies" and "double standards."
俄罗斯外交部在周五的一份声明中指责联合国“完全失去了客观”,说这个报告存在“严重的自相矛盾”, 奉行“双重标准”。

The ministry accused the report authors of following political orders to whitewash the pro-Western leadership, while ignoring "the crudest violations of human rights by the self-proclaimed Kyiv authorities\'\'.

U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay said Friday the report findings also raise deep concerns about minorities facing harassment in Crimea.
Meanwhile, there were reports of more violence in eastern Ukraine Friday, including fighting between Ukrainian government troops and separatist forces around the cities of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk, and the seizure of a Ukrainian National Guard barracks by separatists in the city of Donetsk.

Separatists in the eastern Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk held referendums on self-rule Sunday, after which they declared independent people\'s republics in the two regions. Separatist leaders there have said they will not hold Ukraine\'s May 25 presidential election in their respective regions.



