
英语翻译 2019-08-07 18:13:02 88

Ukrainian leaders have launched national unity talks in Kyiv Wednesday, a day after pro-Russian separatists killed seven government soldiers in the country\'s east and amid unconfirmed reports of fresh violence.

National lawmakers and regional officials, religious leaders and civic activists are attending the talks, part of a "road map" laid out by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The OSCE plan calls on both the Ukrainian government and the separatists to refrain from violence. It also seeks immediate amnesty for those involved in the fighting and talks on decentralizing the country\'s political system and on the status of the Russian language.
But the separatist rebels are not represented, raising doubts about the negotiations’ effectiveness.

At the talks, Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov sounded a hard line toward the rebels, saying Kyiv would not bow to blackmail.

Turchynov said his government would use legal means to stop "those who, with weapons in their hands, are trying to wage war against their own country and impose their -- or, rather, the will of another state."
On Tuesday, pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine killed seven government soldiers in an ambush of a military armored column near the city of Kramatorsk.

On Wednesday, Russia\'s Interfax news agency quoted Vyacheslav Ponomarev, the self-styled "people\'s mayor" of Slovyansk, the rebel stronghold in eastern Ukraine, as saying eight government soldiers had been killed and seven wounded overnight in a battle with rebels outside Slovyansk.
There was no immediate response to the claim from Kyiv.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Bloomberg Television on Wednesday that Ukraine “is as close to civil war as you can get” and that a solution must be found to satisfy all of its regions.

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