Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine have freed four European monitors who have been detained for a month. Four observers were freed a month after they were taken from Luhansk.
Four others seized in Donetsk were let go earlier in the week. OSCE officials say all are in good health. It is still not clear why they were taken.
The European Union is demanding the separatists and their supporters in Moscow take steps to de-escalate the crisis in eastern Ukraine or face more sanctions. Steps the EU demands include peace talks and letting the OSCE monitors do their jobs.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Friday extended by three days a cease-fire with the rebels. Some of the rebels said they would observe a truce as long as the Ukrainian military does.
乌克兰东部的亲俄叛乱分子释放了被关押了一个月的四名欧洲观察员。 这四人是一个月前在卢汉斯克被扣留。另外四名在顿涅斯克被扣留的观察员本星期早些时候获释。欧洲安全与合作组织的官员说,八人身体状况良好,目前仍不清楚亲俄分子为何扣押他们。
欧洲联盟要求分离主义分子以及支持他们的俄罗斯政府采取步骤缓解东乌克兰危机,否则将对他们加大制裁。 欧盟要求他们采取的行动包括和平谈判和允许欧洲安全与合作组织观察员履行职责。
乌克兰总统波罗申科星期五宣布将停火延长三天。 有些反叛分子表示,只要乌克兰军队遵守停火,他们也会遵守。
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