
英语翻译 2019-08-07 06:12:59 77

Australia has sent 50 police officers to London in anticipation of deploying them to eastern Ukraine to secure the Malaysian plane crash site as part of a proposed international team.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said foreign ministers from Australia and The Netherlands will go to Kyiv to iron out the details of deploying such a team, under U.N. authority, to secure the crash site in rebel-held east Ukraine.

Meanwhile, two more planes were due to take off from Ukraine for the Netherlands, carrying dozens more victims of the shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 last week.

Tens of thousands of mourners in the Netherlands held memorial services and ceremonies, as the first bodies from Flight MH17 arrived in the country on Wednesday.  One hundred ninety-three of the victims were Dutch.

Earlier Thursday, Russia called on the United States to prove that the passenger jet was shot down by an SA-11 surface-to-air missile fired by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov asked the U.S. to produce proof that it has technical data and satellite photos to back the accusation.

U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that a Russian SA-11 "Buk" missile downed the aircraft and that ill-trained rebels likely fired the missile believing the aircraft was Ukrainian.





美国情报分析人士认为,马航班机是被俄罗斯制造的SA-11地对空导弹击落的。 他们认为缺乏训练的乌克兰反政府武装很可能把马航班机误认为是乌克兰飞机。

乌克兰坠机 乌克兰航空坠机 乌克兰空难 乌克兰飞 乌克兰航展坠机 乌克兰击落俄罗斯客机 乌克兰飞机被击落 乌克兰 卡廷坠机


