
英语翻译 2019-08-06 18:12:56 109

Mexico\'s president says there is "no place" for impunity in the disappearance of 43 student protesters, a case that implicates police officers and gang members.

President Enrique Peña Nieto held a press conference Monday to address the country two days after a mass grave was found in the state of Guerrero. A chief prosecutor has linked the burial site to the case, but investigators are awaiting DNA confirmation.

President Enrique Peña Nieto  said: "We must find the truth and ensure that the law is applied to those responsible for these crimes, which are, without doubt, outrageous, painful and unacceptable."

President Nieto said the people of Mexico and the families of the missing "have every right to demand an explanation of the facts, and (demand) justice, that those responsible be found, and that impunity have no place here."

A Mexican prosecutor says two gang hitmen have confessed to helping local police kill 17 of the student protesters who disappeared 10 days ago.

Officials found 28 bodies in a mass grave in the city of Iguala on Saturday, a week after a police opened fire on buses carrying the students under circumstances that remain unclear. More than 100 bullet casings were found near the buses.

Guerrero\'s chief prosecutor said it would take at least two weeks to determine whether the charred remains belong to some of the missing students.

The gang members told officials that dozens of Iguala police officers belong to the Guerreros Unidos, an organized crime group in the area.
Authorities detained 22 police officers and issued arrest warrants for the town\'s mayor and security chief shortly after the.








黑帮成员告诉有关官员, 有数十名伊瓜拉警察属于当地一个叫做“勇士国”的有组织犯罪团伙。


墨西哥坑 墨西哥巨坑 墨西哥深海坑 墨西哥南部的坑 墨西哥撞击坑 墨西哥600米坑 墨西哥打尸坑 墨西哥死尸坑 墨西哥 天坑


