
英语翻译 2019-08-06 06:13:21 105

Pope Francis has highlighted the need for "justice, healing and unity" in Sri Lanka, where he arrived Tuesday for the start of a week-long trip to Asia.

The pope spoke at the international airport in Colombo, saying Sri Lanka needs to pursue the truth of what happened during its long civil war, and rebuilding must include a respect for human rights and "the full inclusion of each member of society."

The pope was greeted by newly inaugurated President Maithripala Sirisena, who has promised an independent domestic inquiry into wartime abuses.

The 78-year-old pontiff postponed a meeting with Sri Lankan bishops after the journey from the airport, in an open top car under hot sun, took longer than expected.

Pope Francis will spend two days in Sri Lanka before heading to the Philippines. On Wednesday, he will hold a seaside mass, in the capital, Colombo, and canonize the country\'s first saint, 17th century missionary Joseph Vaz.

The visit to Asia is the pope\'s second to the region since beginning his papacy, and is part of the Church\'s outreach to developing nations.

罗马天主教宗方济各星期二抵达斯里兰卡,开始为期一个星期的亚洲之旅。 他在斯里兰卡强调公正,和解与团结的必要性。






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