
英语翻译 2019-08-06 06:13:19 87

Police in ((the central U.S. state of)) Missouri say an officer shot and killed an armed black man early Wednesday morning. 

A spokesman for the police department in Berkeley, a suburb of St. Louis, says the officer encountered two men during a routine check at a gas station.  The spokesman says one of men pointed a gun at the officer, prompting the officer to open fire.  The second man fled the scene. 

Several dozen residents gathered at the scene of the shooting and confronted police.  At least two smoking objects were thrown into the crowd, one of which exploded.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper has identified the dead man as 18-year-old Antonio Martin.   A woman who identified herself as Martin\'s mother told reporters that her son\'s girlfriend gave her a different account of what happened.

Antonio Martin’s mother said:"She told me they went to the store, they were walking somewhere. They were walking and the police, I guess he started or something and police were shooting."

美国中部密苏里州的警方说, 当地一名警察星期三早晨开枪打死一名持枪的黑人。

圣路易斯郊区伯克利的警察局发言人说, 警察在一个加油站巡逻时遇到两名男子,其中一人掏枪瞄准警察,促使警察开枪自卫,将其击毙,另一名男子逃离现场。

几十名居民聚集在枪击现场,质问警察。有人投掷了至少两个冒烟装置, 其中一个发生爆炸。

圣路易斯邮报确定死者是18岁的安东尼奥·马丁。 一名自称是马丁母亲的妇女对记者说, 马丁女朋友的说法跟警察不同。 这位妇女说,马丁的女朋友说,他俩人去商店,在路上走着,马丁有什么举动,警察就开枪了。

美国黑人枪杀 美国警察枪杀黑人只赔 美国街头枪杀 美国白人警察枪杀 黑人被杀 为什么黑人的鸡那么大 美国黑人允许持枪吗 美国黑人袭警 黑人


