
英语翻译 2019-07-18 09:19:32 112

Difficulty Level II:

1.In 2001, China\'s GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent.

二00一年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比一九八九年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三。注意triple(增长三倍)这样的以非数字形式出现的“数据”,特别要引起注意,类似的还有:double, quadruple, tertiary在中高级口译试题中均出现过。

2.Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020.


3.The earth\'s moon is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth. It has a diameter of 2,136 miles, and its gravity is one-sixth that of earth\'s.


4.Unemployment has risen to over three million for the first time in six years and analysts expect the jobless total to rise by a further 40,000 this month. Manufacturing output has meanwhile steadied, after a nought point five per cent decrease last month.


注意naught(nought) point five = 0.5 naught=0 零的其他形式:zero, O, cypher (cipher), nil, nothing, love (限于网球比分)

5.Except Xinjiang, output value of the secondary industry of other Chinese provinces occupies more than 40% of its GDP, while output value of the tertiary industry occupies more than 30% in most of the provinces.


6.Steel production this week totalled 327 289 metric tonnes, down 1.4% from 332 103 tonnes a week earlier but up 9.8% from 298 100 tonnes in the same week of 2003.


7.The amount of savings of urban and rural residents have increased over 71.4 per cent from 21.06 billion yuan in 1978 to 1,520.35 billion yuan in 1993.


8.As compared with the same period last year, the price of rice, wheat, maize and soybean rose by 16.2%, 18.1%, 22.8% and 29.5% respectively.


9.With over 40,000 US-invested enterprises, the paid-in value of the total US investment in China now stands at 43 billion US dollars. Of the top 500 US companies, more than 400 have come to China, and most of them are making a handsome profit.

今天,美国在华投资设立企业超过4万家,实际投资430亿美元。 美国500强企业中,已有400多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。

10. China\'s GDP in 1997 amounts to US$902 billion. This figure ranks No.7 behind USA (US$7819.3 billion), Japan (US$4223.4 billion), German (US$2115.4 billion), France (US$1393.8 billion), Britain (US$1278.4 billion) and Italy (US$ 1146.2 billion). From 1979 to 1997, China\'s average annual growth rate is 9.8 percent, 6.5 percentage points higher than that of the world.

1997年中国的国民生产总值达到$902 bn美元,在世界排名第七,仅次于美国($7819.3bn),日本($4223.4bn),德国($2115.4bn),法国($1393.8bn),英国($1278.4bn)和意大利($1146.2bn),从1979年到1997年,中国的平均年增长率的为9.8%,比世界平均值高出6.5个百分点


11. In 1999, China\'s gross domestic product (GDP), which came to only RMB 362.41 billion yuan in 1978, amounted to 7955.3 billion yuan, 20-fold increase over 1978. China ranks No.7 in terms of total supply and demand and No.1 in terms of economic growth rate.


注:20-fold 20倍

many-fold 许多倍

12. China hit 9.1 percent in GDP growth in 2003, despite the impact of SARS epidemic, a record since the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s.


13. China contributed to about four percent of the world\'s total GDP in 2003 by consuming 7.4 percent of the oil, 31 percent of the coal, 27 percent of steel, 25 percent of alumina and 40 percent of the cement, consumed worldwide.


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