
英语翻译 2019-08-05 18:12:32 186

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Iran is in talks to reach a final nuclear agreement with six world powers, not with U.S. lawmakers.

Mr. Rouhani\'s remarks on Wednesday were an apparent reaction to developments Tuesday in Washington, where President Barack Obama pledged to sign a bill that would subject the agreement to U.S. congressional review.

In a speech to thousands of Iranians in the northern city of Rasht, Mr. Rouhani also reiterated his stance that Tehran will not sign a final nuclear deal unless all sanctions are simultaneously lifted.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a measure Tuesday after a bipartisan compromise that calls for a 30-day review period and for the president to certify every 90 days that Iran is living up to the deal curbing its nuclear activity. Sanctions levied by Congress would be immediately re-imposed in case of a violation.

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he is confident about reaching a final agreement with Iran, after Mr. Obama agreed to sign the congressional measure.

Kerry spoke before a meeting of Group of Seven foreign ministers in Germany that was expected to include discussion on the negotiations, which yielded a framework deal earlier this month.







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