
英语翻译 2019-08-05 06:12:20 139

A South Carolina grand jury has indicted a white former police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man fleeing after a traffic stop.

Michael Slager was fired and accused of murder in the April 4 killing of 50-year-old Walter Scott. Slager pulled Scott over for driving with a broken brake light.

A video, taken by a bystander with a cellphone camera, showed Scott running away as Slager pulls his gun and fires eight shots. Slager initially said he opened fire after Scott had taken his electronic stun gun during a scuffle

Slager faces between 30 years and life in prison without the possibility of parole if convicted.

The South Carolina incident is one of the latest in a series of fatal encounters in the United States between unarmed black males and white police.

The incidents led to large protests across the nation over aggressive police tactics in minority communities.

The U.S. Justice Department has launched investigations into possible civil rights violations by police in a number of the cases.

美国南卡罗来纳州的一个大陪审团对开枪打死黑人的一名白人警察提出起诉。被打死的黑人开车被警察拦下检查时企图逃离现场, 他当时并没有携带武器。





这些事件引发了全美各地的大规模抗议示威。 人们抗议警察在少数族裔社区过度使用警力的做法。美国司法部已对一些案件展开调查,看警察是否侵犯了公民权利。

黑人警察地位 三块广告牌黑人警官 黑人 黑警官 美国警察杀死黑人赔偿 浴室巨炮警官 黑人求婚警察帮忙 警官的巨炮 南卡是哪里


