Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Saturday she never used her personal email account to receive or send classified information as secretary of state.
"I am confident that I never sent nor relieved any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received," Clinton said during a campaign appearance in Iowa.
A senior official of Iowa\'s Republican Party said voters do not trust Clinton. He accused her of being less than truthful about what he called her "cavalier handling of sensitive information."
The U.S. Justice Department is considering an investigation into a possible compromise of sensitive information in Clinton\'s emails, but says it would not be a criminal probe.
艾奥华州共和党方面的一名官员说,选民不信任克林顿。他还指责克林顿在处理敏感信息方面,很“随便”,而且在这个问题上, 并没有完全实事求是。
希拉里与克林顿 希拉里 克林顿 希拉里传 希拉里·斯万克 比尔克林顿 奥巴马 小布什 富兰克林·克林顿版权声明