
英语翻译 2019-08-02 18:12:35 106

The U.N. Security Council has swiftly and strongly condemned North Korea’s latest ballistic missile launches and threatened to take “further significant measures” if necessary.

The 15-nation council agreed on the statement Tuesday, just hours after it met in emergency session. It unanimously said Pyongyang’s launches on Monday of three Rodong missiles that traveled 1,000 kilometers before landing in Japan’s air defense identification zone were “a grave violation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s international obligations” under a series of Security Council resolutions.

“The members of the Security Council deplore all the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s ballistic missile activities, including these launches,” said New Zealand’s Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, who is president of the council this month. Such activities "contribute to the DPRK’s development of nuclear weapons delivery systems, and they raise tension.”

The council’s swift agreement on the statement could be a sign of Beijing’s growing frustration with its rogue ally. This week’s launches notably occurred while China was hosting world leaders at the G-20 summit.

Council members warned North Korea to “refrain from further actions, including nuclear tests, in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions," and to comply fully with Pyongyang\'s obligations under those resolutions. The council ordered the committee that oversees sanctions to intensify its work to enforce those measures and urged states to redouble their efforts to implement measures laid out in council resolutions.

The council met Tuesday behind closed doors at the urgent request of the U.S., Japan and South Korea. Earlier Tuesday, President Barack Obama and South Korean President Park Geun-hye met on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Laos. Park called the missile tests "fundamentally threatening." Obama said they were "provocative."


由15个国家组成的安理会星期二召开紧急会议后不久发表一致声明称,平壤星期一发射的三枚“ 芦洞 “导弹”严重违反了一系列安理会决议规定的朝鲜所需履行的国际义务”。这三枚导弹飞行了一千多公里,最后落入日本的防空识别区。





朝鲜向中国发射导弹 朝鲜发射导弹最新消息 朝鲜导弹发射 直播国安 朝鲜为什么发射导弹 朝鲜又发射导弹了 朝鲜再发射导弹 朝鲜试射近程导弹 朝鲜有导弹吗


