
英语翻译 2019-08-02 12:12:04 123

During the second presidential debate with Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton said she would not put ground forces into Syria, saying that would not be a smart strategy.

She called Aleppo a catastrophic situation, and that Russia is determined to destroy the city in an effort to keep Bashar al-Assad in power, and supports efforts to hold Russia and the Syrian regime accountable for war crimes in the ongoing Syrian civil war.

Trump said he disagrees with his running mate, Mike Pence, who called for strikes on Syrian government targets, but Trump saved most of his comments on Syria for President Barack Obama.

Sunday night\'s debate was held at Washington University in St. Louis.

Some top Republicans are urging Trump to drop out of the race after a 2005 tape surfaced in which he made lewd comments about women, saying he can grope them because he is a "star."

Trump apologized for the comments, insisting he has great respect for women and that it is time to talk about more important things.

Clinton said while she has disagreed with the policies of previous Republican candidates, this is the first time she has questioned a candidate\'s fitness to serve as president.

Despite his apology, Clinton said the tape shows exactly who Trump is. She also pointed out that Trump has insulted and denigrated minorities, Muslims, and prisoner of war.

Clinton hit out at Trump over taxes, accusing him of possibly not paying taxes in 20 years.

Trump said he is was proud of knowing the tax code well enough to take advantage of it and pointed out that some of Clinton\'s wealthy donors have done the same thing.

Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton\'s 33,000 missing e-mails, saying if he were in charge, Clinton would be in jail.












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