
英语翻译 2019-08-02 12:12:02 106

The U.S. military said Thursday it struck three radar sites in Yemen in response to missile launches from territory controlled by Houthi rebels that targeted a U.S. Navy destroyer.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook described the strikes as "self-defense" in order to protect U.S. personnel and ships.

"The United States will respond to any further threat to our ships and commercial traffic, as appropriate, and will continue to maintain our freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, the Bab al-Mandeb, and elsewhere around the world," he said.

Officials said Wednesday a missile fired in the Red Sea targeted the destroyer USS Mason, which was accompanied by the amphibious docking vessel USS San Antonio at the time. The rocket failed to reach the ships, a U.S. official who asked not to be identified told VOA.

The missile launch, the second in the past four days, was from a Houthi-controlled area, officials said. The Houthi movement in Yemen denied any involvement in the first attack on the USS Mason, a few days ago.





美国官员说 ,这是四天之内胡塞控制区第二次向美国军舰发射导弹。不过,也门胡塞反政府武装否认他们与美国海军驱逐舰梅森号第一次遭受的袭击有任何牵连。

也门导弹袭击沙特首都 也门导弹 也门导弹袭击沙特 也门导弹袭击利雅得 也门胡塞武装导弹袭击 也门导弹袭击阿联酋 沙特导弹攻击也门 沙特导弹袭击 也门胡塞武装军事


