
英语翻译 2019-08-02 00:12:45 84

The United States on Wednesday returned Taobao, China\'s most popular consumer-to-consumer shopping website, to its blacklist of "notorious marketplaces" known for the sale of counterfeit goods and violations of intellectual property rights.

The move by the U.S. trade representative\'s office against the online bazaar run by Alibaba Group Co. Holding Ltd. followed complaints from U.S. and international trade groups for apparel and luxury goods that Taobao was not doing enough to police sales of fakes and pirated products.

Alibaba Group President Michael Evans said in a statement the company was "very disappointed" to be put back on the list; the company, he said, is far more advanced in protecting intellectual property rights than it was four years ago. He added that the decision ignored Alibaba\'s work to remove more than twice the number of product listings this year than it did in 2015.

"We question whether the USTR acted based on the actual facts or was influenced by the current political climate," Evans said.

Alibaba shares fell 0.7 percent on the New York Stock Exchange to $89.25.

The United States on Wednesday returned Taobao, China\'s most popular consumer-to-consumer shopping website, to its blacklist of "notorious marketplaces" known for the sale of counterfeit goods and violations of intellectual property rights.

The move by the U.S. trade representative\'s office against the online bazaar run by Alibaba Group Co. Holding Ltd. followed complaints from U.S. and international trade groups for apparel and luxury goods that Taobao was not doing enough to police sales of fakes and pirated products.

Alibaba Group President Michael Evans said in a statement the company was "very disappointed" to be put back on the list; the company, he said, is far more advanced in protecting intellectual property rights than it was four years ago. He added that the decision ignored Alibaba\'s work to remove more than twice the number of product listings this year than it did in 2015.
阿里巴巴集团总裁迈克尔·伊万斯(Michael Evans)在声明中表示,该公司对被列入‘恶名市场’感到非常失望。他说,该公司在保护知识产权方面比四年前要深入得多。这一决定忽视了阿里巴巴所作的努力,该公司今年删除的产品清单是去年的两倍以上。

"We question whether the USTR acted based on the actual facts or was influenced by the current political climate," Evans said.

Alibaba shares fell 0.7 percent on the New York Stock Exchange to $89.25.

淘宝美国 拼多多淘宝被美国列恶名市 淘宝对美国列入恶名市场 拼多多淘宝列入美国恶名市场 美国恶名市场 美国恶名市场名单 淘宝美国被罚款 淘宝恶名市场 拼多多被美


