
英语翻译 2019-08-02 00:12:26 66

At his final news conference as president Wednesday, Barack Obama sought to reassure those Americans anxious about the change of administrations: “I believe in this country. I believe in the American people. I believe that people are more good than bad.”

White House reporters questioned Obama about his decision to shorten the prison term of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, and other topics. The president fielded those easily, but took his time answering the final query, about how he discussed the results of the U.S. election with his two teenaged daughters, Sasha and Malia.

Obama said Malia and Sasha were disappointed by Republican Donald Trump\'s defeat of his preferred candidate, Democrat Hillary Clinton, just as he and first lady Michelle were, but that he is proud of them because they are resilient, patriotic and not cynical.

The president admitted his public persona - calm and cheerful - is not quite the way he feels when behind closed doors.

“I curse more than I do in public, and sometimes I get mad and frustrated, like everybody else does," he said. "But at my core, I think we\'re going to be okay [as a country]. We just have to fight for it, we have to work for it, and not take it for granted, and I know that you will help us do that.”


白宫记者们的提问涉及到奥巴马给陆军情报分析员切尔西·曼宁减刑等议题。 奥巴马简单地回答了这些问题,最后他还很具体地回答了他是如何向两个女儿解释美国大选结果的。


奥巴马总统承认,他在公开场合表现出的冷静和随和跟他私下的表现并不一样,私下他也会骂人,也像其他人一样会愤怒和沮丧。他说:“不过我深信,(作为一个国家) 一切都会好的,但我们必须奋斗,必须努力,不能觉得理所当然,我相信你们会帮我们做到。”

一切都会好起来的 一切都会好的 相信一切都会好起来的 相信一切都会好的 一切都会好的 必须坚强 希望一切都会好起来的 一切都会好起来的意思 一切都会好的什么意思


