
英语翻译 2019-08-01 18:12:50 98

President Donald Trump\'s pick to lead the U.S. intelligence community cited Russia as a top threat, telling lawmakers Tuesday it is an accepted fact that Moscow tried to influence November\'s presidential election.

Former Indiana Senator Dan Coats told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia “seems to have stepped up their game” in its campaign to influence the American elections. He promised to support a thorough investigation of the Kremlin\'s role in the U.S. vote.

“It is something that needs to be investigated and addressed,” the 73-year-old Coats, a Republican, said during his confirmation hearing. “I think it is publicly known and acknowledged and accepted that Russia definitely did try to influence the campaign,” Coats said. “To what extent they were successful, I don\'t think we know.”

Coats also promised that, if confirmed, he would make all relevant materials available for congressional investigations.



现年73岁的科茨在参议院情报委员会对他提名举行的确认听证会上说,“这件事需要调查和解决。” 他还说,“我想,俄罗斯确实曾试图影响大选,这是大家都知道,承认并接受的,但是他们到底在多大程度上成功发挥了影响,我们并不知道。”


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