
英语翻译 2019-08-01 18:12:46 80

A U.S. federal appeals court has turned down the Trump administration\'s request to put its travel ban case on hold until the president issues a new executive order.

Three judges of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco gave no reason for their decision Monday.

The same court upheld a lower court decision suspending Trump\'s executive order temporarily banning travelers and refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer was asked Monday why the administration is insisting on challenging the appeals court\'s ruling if President Trump plans to issue a new executive order on immigration. "While the new executive order attempts to address the court\'s concerns that they made, the goal is obviously to maintain the way that we did it the first time because we believe the law is very clear about giving the president the authority that he needs to protect the country," Spicer said.

The appeals court questioned the constitutionality of the travel ban. Some legal experts predict the case could wind up before the Supreme Court.

Trump\'s January 27 executive order created chaos in airports both in the U.S. and around the world. Immigration officers were confused as to who could be let in and who should be kept out even though many travelers had visas.







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