
英语翻译 2019-08-01 06:12:42 118

The U.N. Security Council on Thursday "strongly condemned" the most recent ballistic missile test by North Korea, blaming Pyongyang for "greatly increasing tension in the region and beyond."

North Korea last Saturday tried and failed to launch a missile from its submarine base at Sinpo off its eastern coast, the latest in a series of missile tests that violate U.N. sanctions against the North.

In a unanimous statement, U.N. Security Council members expressed their "utmost concern" over Pyongyang\'s "highly destabilizing behavior and flagrant and provocative defiance" of the U.N. sanctions.

"The members of the Security Council agreed that the Security Council would continue to closely monitor the situation and take further significant measures including sanctions, in line with the Council\'s previously expressed determination," the statement said.

The statement also welcomed international efforts to find a "peaceful and comprehensive solution through dialogue."

The Security Council statement comes as the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump signals it is running out of patience with the North, which continues to develop its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. During his visit to the North Korea border this week, Vice President Mike Pence announced that Washington\'s strategy of so-called "strategic patience" with the North is over. Pence said the international community, and China in particular, should put more diplomatic and economic pressure to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear arms and missiles.



联合国安理会星期四发表声明,一致对平壤 “高度破坏稳定的行为和对联合国制裁的公然挑衅性蔑视”表示最严重关切。




朝鲜导弹试射 朝鲜继续试射导弹 朝鲜为什么要发射导弹 朝鲜又发射导弹了 朝鲜试射战术导弹 朝鲜 试射 朝鲜远程导弹 朝鲜 朝鲜有什么导弹


