
英语翻译 2019-08-01 06:12:34 132

Donald Trump is fast closing in on his first 100 days in office, and his public approval rating continues to hover at around 40 percent, still a low mark for a new U.S. president. Trump\'s rating on foreign policy has improved slightly in the wake of recent U.S. military strikes in Syria and Afghanistan, but his domestic agenda seems stuck in neutral.

The latest Gallup Daily Tracking Poll has the president\'s approval rating at 41 percent, with 53 percent disapproval. That is an improvement from about three weeks ago when the approval level had dropped to 35 percent.

The latest Marist College survey found Trump\'s approval at 39 percent, little changed from before the U.S. strike on Syria. "Trump is facing a critical test as commander-in-chief," according to Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. "Americans are still looking for President Trump to provide leadership," Miringoff said in a statement that accompanied the latest survey.




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