
英语翻译 2019-08-01 06:12:30 233

Fired FBI Director Jim Comey will tell the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday that President Donald Trump asked him for loyalty during White House conversations concerning the agency\'s handling of investigations into current and former administration officials.

The committee released an advance copy of Comey\'s seven-page opening statement a day before his scheduled appearance. This came shortly after the Director of National Intelligence and other top intelligence officials refused to answer the committee\'s questions about Comey and the Russia investigation.

In his statement, Comey offers explosive details and accounts of five separate conversations he had with Trump, including suggestions that the president asked him to alter the course of FBI investigations.

"The president said, \'I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,\'" Comey recounted about one White House meeting. "I didn\'t move, speak or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each other in silence."

In his prepared remarks, Comey says he told Trump three times that he was not a subject of the FBI investigation into whether his associates had improper contacts with Russian government officials.

In another passage, Comey will testify that Trump asked him on February 14 to "let go" of the investigation into Michael Flynn, who had been fired as national security adviser the previous day. "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go." Comey quotes Trump as saying. "He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

Trump last month flatly denied pressuring Comey to close or back down from the Flynn investigation. The president also rejected allegations that his associates colluded with Russia to influence last November\'s presidential election, calling it a "witch hunt."


科米预定在参议院情报委员会作证的一天前,该委员会公布了科米预先准备好的7页长的开场陈述 。在此之前,美国国家情报总监和其他高级情报官员拒绝回答该委员会有关科米和通俄调查的问题。


科米详细描述其中一次白宫会晤时说:“总统说:‘我需要忠诚,我期待忠诚。” 在随后“令人难堪的寂静中”,我“没有动弹、讲话或者改变我的面部表情”。我们只是在沉默中对视。”




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