
英语翻译 2019-07-31 00:13:01 77

Bitter cold weather has blanketed the Central and Eastern United States and it will stay in place for days into the new year.

Forecasters are warning people to be on alert for hypothermia and frostbite as the temperatures plunge below freezing. The National Weather Service reports that International Falls, Minnesota, plunged to minus 37 degrees Celsius, breaking the record of minus 32 degrees Celsius set in 1924.

Residents of Erie, Pennsylvania, on Thursday continued to dig out of the one-and-a-half meters of snow that fell earlier this week. Forecasters are predicting another 25 centimeters of snow to arrive soon.

In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo warned residents and visitors to take precautions against the "dangerously cold weather" as millions prepare to pack into Times Square to see the crystal ball drop as they count down to the new year.

Temperatures on New Year’s Eve are expected to be close to 10 degrees below normal in the Midwest and from Northeastern states all the way south to the Carolinas. This includes large cities such as Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Washington and Atlanta.

As Americans cope with the frigid end to 2017, the Number One trending topic on Twitter Thursday was #ItsSoCold.






2017年在严寒中结束之际,星期四推特上最热门的话题是:#ItsSoCold (真叫冷)。

严寒地区 极度深寒 严寒 寒冷地区 寒冷地区有哪些城市 我国最寒冷的地区是 北京属于寒冷地区吗 大连属于寒冷地区吗 济南属于寒冷地区还是


