
英语翻译 2019-07-31 00:12:57 70

Thousands braved a frigid New York night to celebrate the start of 2018 in Times Square, an annual celebration that dates back to 1904.

Tarana Burke, a social activist who started the #MeToo movement to draw attention to sexual abuse, pushed the button that started the famed ball drop, a hallmark of the New York City celebration for 110 years. The year 2017 saw a sea change in attitudes and awareness of sexual assault and sexual harassment, as millions of people used the hashtag to show how pervasive abuse is in the wake of accusations made against dozens of high profile men, including celebrities, members of Congress and business leaders.

"We need to go into the new year as a new beginning, with a new set of commitments to a better world," Burke told the New York Daily News.

As they do each year, the crowd at Times Square counted down as the crystal ball slid down a pole, arriving at the bottom as 2018 began, accompanied by confetti and fireworks.

Hundreds of thousands of people watched over by thousands of police and other security personnel crowded the square, despite temperatures around -12 C (10 degrees Fahrenheit).

The frosty festivities in Times Square included performances by Mariah Carey, Sugarland and Nick Jonas.


社会活动人士、旨在唤起人们对性侵犯关注的#MeToo行动的发起人塔拉那·伯克(Tarana Burke)按下了纽约有110年历史、迎接新年倒计时的水晶球下落的按钮。2017年,人们对性侵和性骚扰的态度和意识发生了巨大变化,数以百万计的人在社交媒体上用#MeToo做标签,显示性侵犯的广泛性。在那之前,几十位男性名人被控性侵或性骚扰,包括名流、国会议员和商界领袖。





2018世界500强 世界城市排名2018 2018世界城市排名出炉 2018世界gdp 2019世界500强 2018年世界杯 世界经济排名2018 世界园艺


