
英语翻译 2019-07-30 18:13:09 107

South Africa is the latest country to call in an American diplomat to explain U.S. President Donald Trump\'s reported vulgar remarks about African, Haitian and El Salvadoran immigrants to the United States.

Trump stunned lawmakers in a recent White House meeting on immigration when, according to multiple reports, he asked, "Why are we having all these people from s---hole countries come here?"

Trump reportedly said the U.S. should allow in more people from places such as Norway. Norway\'s population is predominantly white. The populations of the African countries and Haiti are mostly black, while the population of El Salvador is mostly brown.

Statements from international and domestic organizations are expressing concern that the U.S. and its president are going down a racist path. Trump has denied he is a racist and insists he didn\'t make the remarks.

South Africa\'s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) was scheduled to talk Monday with the second in command at the U.S. embassy in Pretoria about Trump\'s statement.

The South African statement added: "Relations between South Africa and the United States, and between the rest of Africa and the United States, must be based on mutual respect and understanding."

South Africa is a close ally of the United States and the third-largest economy in Africa.







南非总统 南非总统拉马福萨 南非总统的经历 南非新总统拉马福萨 南非总统马 南非总统选举结果 非洲总统是 南非国父 南非领袖


