
英语翻译 2019-07-30 06:12:57 212

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said in a rare television interview Wednesday Facebook clearly made a mistake in its part in an illegal data collection scandal.

"This was a major breach of trust. I am really sorry this happened. We have a basic responsibility to protect people\'s data," he told cnn.

Zuckerberg did not elaborate on what mistake Facebook made, but he promised to check all apps and do a full forensic audit.

He also told cnn he is sure someone is trying to meddle in the upcoming November midterm U.S. congressional elections. He said Facebook is "really committed" to stop anyone from interfering in the elections through Facebook, including upcoming votes in Brazil and India.

Facebook disclosed Friday that it has known since 2015 that British researcher Aleksandr Kogan illegally shared users\' information with a research firm, after collecting that data legally through an application for a personality quiz.

The research firm is alleged to have illegally used the data of an estimated 50 million Facebook users to build profiles for U.S. political campaigns, including the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

Facebook has been criticized for failing to alert its users to the incident in 2015. Wednesday was the first time Zuckerberg publicly addressed the issue.







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