
英语翻译 2019-07-30 06:12:52 69

U.S. President Donald Trump is considering replacing the embattled Veterans Affairs secretary David Shulkin with Rick Perry, the current energy secretary.

A source familiar with the White House discussions told the Associated Press that Trump has floated the notion of the cabinet reshuffle as a way to right the ship at the VA, believing Shulkin has become a distraction to the department\'s work.

Shulkin has faced several investigations over his travel and leadership of the department, but until now has received praise from the president for his work to turn around the department.

Shulkin faces an insurgency from within the agency and new allegations that he had a member of his security detail go shopping with him at Home Depot and then carry the purchases into his house.

An internal report has also found ethics violations in connection with the secretary\'s trip to Europe with his wife last summer.

Trump and his senior aides are frustrated with Shulkin because they believe he has undermined the White House on several occasions and is unwilling to work with other members of his agency who were appointed by the Trump administration. Shulkin is the sole holdover from the Obama administration.

Trump raised the idea with Perry during a lunch meeting Monday but did not offer the job to him, a White House official told AP. Trump has been angry with Shulkin, the official said, but is known to float staffing changes without always following through.








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