U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed Tuesday to bring home American hostages in Iran, saying "the entire United States government" is working "diligently" and is utilizing "every avenue" and "mechanism."
"I mentioned a handful of names yesterday. There are more around the world I didn\'t identify in yesterday\'s remarks," said the chief American diplomat during his first appearance at the State Department briefing.
In his first major foreign policy address on Monday, Pompeo said Iran has failed to free American detainees, including Baquer Namazi, Siamak Namazi, Xiyue Wang and Bob Levinson, even during a time when Washington gave Tehran sanction relief under the 2015 nuclear deal.
"We are working diligently along every avenue that we can develop to get these folks to return back home, back to their families," he said, responding to a question posed by VOA.
Families of several American hostages are worried that the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal would make it harder to get their loved ones home safely.
蓬佩奥星期一在他的第一个重要外交政策讲话中说,即使根据2015年签署的伊核协议,美国缓解了对德黑兰的制裁时,伊朗仍旧没有释放扣押的美国公民,包括巴克尔·纳马奇(Baquer Namazi)、西亚马克·纳马奇(Siamak Namazi)、王希悦(Xiyue Wang)和鲍勃·莱文森(Bob Levinson)。
蓬佩奥 伊朗 美国应该退出伊朗核协议 蓬佩奥 蓬佩奥突访伊拉克 蓬佩奥是犹太人 蓬佩奥欧洲之行 蓬佩奥委内瑞拉 蓬佩奥 欧盟 蓬佩奥 蓬佩奥是个什么样的人版权声明