
英语翻译 2019-07-29 18:13:00 74

Eight South Korean journalists are headed to North Korea after the reclusive regime gave a last-minute approval for the group to observe the dismantling of its nuclear test site.

The South Koreans were supposed to have joined a group of foreign journalists from the United States, Britain, China and Russia Tuesday on a flight from Beijing to the North Korean city of Wonsan Tuesday. But Seoul says the group did not make the flight after Pyongyang declined to accept them.

South Korea\'s Unification Ministry says the journalists were finally accepted by the North Wednesday through a message sent by a cross-border communication channel at the truce village of Panmunjon. The eight journalists are taking a special flight directly to Wonsan, and travel from there to the Punggye-ri test site in a remote mountainous region.

The Punggye-ri site, where North Korea has conducted all six of its nuclear tests, is scheduled to be dismantled between Wednesday and Friday, depending on weather conditions.





朝鲜宁边核设施 朝鲜核设施具体位置 朝鲜核设施分布 朝鲜核设施 朝鲜 朝鲜无核化 朝鲜核武库 朝鲜核导弹 朝鲜核试验


