
英语翻译 2019-07-28 18:14:24 98


Para 1

Looking to the future, I see major changes that could transform the world as we know it. They include, robot taking job on a widespread scale, and the rising sea caused by climate changes that will flood coastal areas. These changes would create daunting challenges to global leaders. The cost of producing robots has fallen substantially. Robots can perform a wide range of sophisticated functions and are replacing labors in many industries. Automation is already causing many workers in American manufacturing industries, particularly the auto industry, to lose jobs. I believe that in the not-too-distant future, robots will probably replace people for most jobs in economy.


Automation is already causing many workers in American manufacturing industries, particularly the auto industry, to lose jobs.这个句子有两处难点,一个在词汇方面,用自动化代指机器人,实际上是英语一个非常常用的手段,但考生可能会搞不清楚。另一 cause和to lose jobs之间有一个很长的插入语,使学生可能会失去方向。

Para 2

Now, it\'s a good time to be a worker if you have special skills or the right education because you can use technology to create value and increase your earning. However, it is a bad time to be a worker if you only have ordinary skills because robots are acquiring these skills at faster rate, which means you will lose your job. It is estimated that forty seven percent of US workers, may see their jobs automated in another twenty years. Right now, health cares and pensions are paid for through jobs. If a significant part of population loses their jobs because of the automation, society will have to find other ways of providing health care and pensions.  If no other ways are found, those who lose their jobs to robots could cost social and political unrest. 


这里的good time和bad time,可以稍微深译一下,会显得比较清楚。

Right now, health cares and pensions are paid for through jobs. If a significant part of population loses their jobs because of the automation, society will have to find other ways of providing health care and pensions.  If no other ways are found。。。这个句子当中pay for,provide, ways这些词都需要进一步加工,否则意思就会显得模陵两可。原文的意思是人工作才会有保险和退休金,如果失了业,钱从哪里来,本着这样一个意义来安排词汇就比较容易了。

Para 3

Turn to climate change, almost all leading scientists believe that global warning is real and will to more frequent and severe storms, changes of climate patterns and higher sea levels as the result of warming waters, and melting of ice on the Antarctica. Sea level will rise at different rates around the world, but most scientist forecast that the sea could rise above the current levels by one meter by 2100. In recent decades, an increasing number of people have moved to big coastal cities. And some 600 million people around the world live in coastal areas. But rising sea levels caused by climate change post major risks to some of the globe’s major cities, like New York, Boston, Venice and Tokyo. Rising sea levels could put parts of them underwater. It would cost several dozen trillion of US dollars to relocate several million people that will be displaced by these rising seas.


It would cost several dozen trillion of US dollars to relocate several million people that will be displaced by these rising seas. 这个句子带有三层因果关系,听的时候要求一次整理清楚,然后才能出说来,在听的过程中,负担是比较大的,但不妨依据我们的常识逻辑,迅速建立框架:“水面上升……人逃难……重新安置难民……支出资金”框架形成后,里面的内容完全可以用自己的话再现出来,这才叫“听意不听字。”

Rising sea levels could put parts of them underwater.像这类的句子没必要亦步亦趋,在译文中找到一个对应的结构,直接说成淹没,吞没都可以。口译当中时间和精力都是最宝贵的资源,切勿乱用,得不偿失。

Para 4

A new potential problem, namely climate change refugees, has raised widespread public concern because many people may have to flee deteriorating home environment caused by higher temperatures, worsening storms, or the rise of sea levels. This would accelerate mass population migration at the time when there is little acceptance of refugees in rich countries. These changes have the potential to transform modern life. Any of the two scenarios I mentioned above, could produce tremendous changes and lead to political unrest. Now it is not the time to think small and believe the change will be slow. rather, leaders need to think big and accept that the technological and climate changes would be fast and substantial. 


This would accelerate mass population migration at the time when there is little acceptance of refugees in rich countries.又是一个很有趣的抽象名词用法,处理时还是先后退一步,判断一下意思然后按照正常想法加上去。

Now it is not the time to think small and believe the change will be slow. rather, leaders need to think big and accept that the technological and climate changes would be fast and substantial.  这里的think small, think big fast, and substantial.都是所谓易懂难说的句子,有些同学会觉得根本张不开嘴,内心深处很痛苦,这里使用的四字词往往能给译者一种定心丸的效果,因此平常积累就变得非常重要 。

Para 5

For these reasons, there needs to be the improvements for the governance. It is crucial to end the “winner take all” system. If people feel that one social group is earning more than its fair share of economic and political benefits, political and social conflict will intensify. The possibility of resulting local or regional disputes escalating into global ones is real. This makes it imperative for the global leaders to create better ways to resolve problems and diffuse conflicts. Finding mechanism to deal with these challenges should be a top priority for the international community.


It is crucial to end the “winner take all” system.这个句子实际上广泛见于国际政治和外交,并不是什么新鲜的东西,也是日常生活积累的结果。

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