
英语翻译 2019-07-28 18:14:21 125

The U.S. Secret Service says it has intercepted two suspicious packages with “possible explosive devices,” one of them addressed to former President Barack Obama and the other to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Within hours, the Time Warner Center in New York, where news network cnn has studios, was evacuated Wednesday morning after a suspicious package was found in the mail room there. A device that was contained in an envelope was safely transported from the site in a special truck by the city\'s police department bomb squad.

The Secret Service says the package addressed to Clinton was discovered late Tuesday, intercepted at a mail screening facility near her home in a New York suburb where she lives with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

A second package, according to the Secret Service, addressed to Obama was intercepted at a screening facility at a military facility in Washington, D.C.

An explosive device was found on Monday in a mail box outside the home in the state of New York of billionaire philanthropist George Soros, a major donor to Democratic candidates. Media reports, quoting officials, say all three newly discovered devices appear similar in construction.

Vice President Mike Pence, on Twitter, condemned “the attempted attacks” on Obama, the Clintons, cnn and others” and vowed “those responsible would be brought to justice.” Trump tweeted that he "wholeheartedly" agreed with Pence\'s comments.







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