
英语翻译 2019-07-28 18:14:16 73




In 1995, the fourth women’s conference of the United Nations was held in Beijing. This was indeed a very memorable moment. The Chinese government attached great importance to the cause of women and decided gender equality one of the basic national policies in promoting the social development in China. The late Chinese leader Mao Zedong has a famous quote that women hold up half of the sky. Next, I am going introduce to you the major progresses China accomplished in promoting gender equality and development of women over the last 20 years.



Firstly, china has already established the legal system based on its constitution. It has issued the law on protecting the women’s rights and there are more than 20 laws containing contents of protecting women’s rights. These laws have provided strong legal protections to women’s development. The percentage of the enrollment of children at primary school age reaches 99.8%, which meets the goal set by the United Nations. The female college students account for 52% of the total college students, which is higher than their male counterparts and also than the international standard.


The social and political position of Chinese women are also increasing constantly. Some 48 percent of government employees are female. In the mean time, women are guaranteed with their rights of employment. In 2013, female workers account for 45% of the total labor force. The Chinese government has given out 20 milliion Yuan discounted loans in helping the more than 10 million women for self-employment. The overall health level of Chinese women is also improving. The average female life expectancy in 2010 is 77, four years older than that in 2000 and five years longer than male.



可译为”take“,也可用account for,还可将百分比作为形容词来修饰宾语或者表语。


However, china also faces a number of difficulties and challenges in its women’s right protection . For example, some rural families prefer baby boys to girls, a custom that leads to gender imbalance. In some enterprises, particularly private companies, female workers are not paid equally with their male colleagues. The domestic violence still exists in some areas in china. The Chinese government is very concerned with these questions. For example, the first anti-domestic violence law has already taken effect. Meanwhile, china will enhance its efforts in the international exchanges and cooperation in women’s work. It will actively participate in UN’s women’s work and continue to have greater contributions to the global gender equality.


同工不同酬:简单易为“paid equally”。

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