
英语翻译 2019-07-15 23:07:40 186

We must recognize that the world today is diverse, manifold, colorful and rich in terms of culture. This should be an asset rather than a debt of humanity. It permeates all aspects of human rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural. The world would be a much better place to live in if we respected cultural diversity, practiced tolerance and lived together in peace with one another as good neighbors. It is essential to transcend the differences in social system and ideology in handling state-to-state relations, and work to seek convergence of common interests, rather than model the world after one political system or development mode. We hope that the United Nations will truly become a center for harmonizing actions of nations. We call for stronger efforts by the United Nations to harmonize cultures through dialogues and consultation, as well as to resist any attempt to build a mono-cultural world by means of political pressure and coercion.

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