
英语翻译 2019-07-28 06:12:54 101



Good morning ladies and gentalmen,we nead very honor and delighted,to have with us nearly elected premire Wen

Jiabo to meet with you and take a questions.We are also very delighted to have with us the vice premires,Huang Ju,Wu

Yi,Zeng Peiyan and Hui Liangyu.Now I would like to first give the floor
to Premire Wen.


I\'d like to start by introducing my colleges,vice premire Huang Ju



among these all the vice premires,three of them are older than I am.And we are also very fortunate to have one female

Vice premire who acturally as you can see add color and light to our podium.


Before I take of your questions,please allow me to use this opportunity to first say a few words to people across the





I want to thank the Chinese people for the great trust you place on me. I am a very ordinary person. I come from a family

of teachers in the countryside. My grandfather, my father and my mother were all teachers. And my childhood was spent

in turmoil of war. Our home was literally burned down by the flames of war, and so was the primary school which my

grandfather built with his own hands. The untold suffering in the days of old China left an indelible imprint on my tender





Since becoming a university student majoring in geology, I spent a full 25 years working in the geological field. A good

part of it was spent in very tough and harsh conditions. That experience let me know kemly how me how hard life could be

and how demanding a job it was to build up our country. But more importantly, that experience filled me with confidence. I

firmly believe that, be it a person, a nation or a country, so long as they dare to brave hardships and dangers and not

drag fatiging climb, they will eventually reach the luminous summit.







I have been working in Zhongnanhai (headquarters of the central government) for 18 years, which was an important

period in China\'s reform, opening-up and modernization. I have seen with my own eyes under the leadership of

comrades Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, China has made remarkable achievements in its reform and opening-up

programmes and has undergone a historical transformation. China\'s development is a project that is extremely great and

demanding. Only through reform, opening-up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of

the Communist Party of China (CPC) can we succeed in bringing about a strong and prosperous China. And only by

adhering to a democratic, scientific and responsible spirit can we achieve our objectives. I have been to 1,800 out of a

total of 2,500 counties in China which enables me to better know our national conditions and our people\'s lives. I know

what they expect and what their expectations are. I will live up to their trust and I will use the confidence, resolve and

strength I have gained from the people to perform my solemn constitutional duties as premier. I will exert all my strength

and wisdom. I will dedicate myself completely to the service of the country, and do everything possible to live up to the
people\'s expectation.



